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[Amps] " Illegal amps "

Subject: [Amps] " Illegal amps "
From: "jim.thom" <>
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2024 08:48:13 -0700
List-post: <>
Any of these bigger amplifiers can be used for:

(B) educational
(C) testing DL's.
(F) plasma
(G) sputtering
(H) tube testing
(I) deep tissue healing
(J) diathermy
(k) low latency, high speed stock market transactions
(L) SW broadcast
(M) marine
(N) Super Bowl 6
(O) Embassy
(Q) Etching
(R) emergency use
(S) military
(T)  Testing CM chokes

We actually did have one fellow ask us about building a custom amp that
would do 10 kw CCS  CXR   from 2-30 mhz continuously. It was to be used in
his lab test CM chokes for ants used for low latency,
high speed stock market transactions.  No TR relays required or needed,
just a toggle switch to put the bias from cutoff to normal idle current.

The OM Power model OM-4001  amplifier ( 2 x FU-728F's)  comes in both
manual and also auto tune versions.  Does an easy 4 kw pep out..which is
what they rate it for.  OM Power also sells a 2 way splitter / combiner,
rated at 10 kw CCS, with SO-239's used everywhere....except the final 10 kw
CCS output port, which instead uses a 7-16 DIN connector.  Covers 160-10m,
and is designed to handle a PAIR of OM-4001 amplifiers.   That amplifier,
and the mating splitter / combiner is the hot ticket all over Europe these

Similarly, ACOM sells a 3 way splitter / combiner, designed to combine the
outputs of THREE of their  1.5kw  amplifiers.  This splitter / combiner is
rated for 5 KW  CCCS.    It too is a hot item all over Europe and

I got an email from a ham in EU, who tells me that in some of the former
soviet union countries, that the power level was dependent on the class of
license issued.  And the more money you paid, the max power level increased
in stages. Max was (I think) 50 kw...which was an expensive license to
purchase.   He had the exact dollar amount for each class of license.  It's
buried on my old laptop from years ago.

For ants,  check out  W7JK (now SK)  where all the pix of his yagi's are
still on QRZ.   His old, 175' Rohn 45 tower came crashing down at 3 am,
when a 120' tree fell over in a windstorm, with top of tree slicing the
bottom of the 3/8" solid fiberglass guys....20' up from the guy
anchor....and just before the fiberglass guys morphed into EHS cables.   4
x tic rings were used, along with a Prosistel rotor at the top.

The replacement tower is 190' of rohn 55G...with top 3 x sections being the
HD version of R-55. This time the entire tower rotated.    I spent hrs on
end with Jack, trying to source all the required materials for the
rebuild.  I designed the new elevated guy anchors, and also the various L
networks for the stacked yagi's.  On 40m, it had top, bottom, BIP, BOP.
Later on, the 3 x stack on 20m was modified with more relays to allow
various configs.

The 12 x ants  covered 80-6m...including 17+12m.   With  2 x yagis on 40m,
15m, and 6m.  And 3 x yagi's on 20m.   It was a good array..and a
flamethrower.   You got any idea what the ERP is on the various
bands...plenty...with 1.5 kw applied.

5 kw into an inverted vee  up 50' is a big .....'no-no'. But 1.5 kw into a
massive stacked array is...'ok'.  Gimme a break,  you guys crack me up.  It
would require 750 kw into the inverted vee  at 50'  to get the same ERP as
the stacked array.

Jim  VE7RF
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