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Re: [Amps] 3CX800A7 Grid Current

Subject: Re: [Amps] 3CX800A7 Grid Current
From: "jim.thom" <>
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 06:46:46 -0700
List-post: <>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2024 20:51:43 +0000
From: "" <>
To: "" <>, Dennis W0JX
Subject: Re: [Amps] 3CX800A7 Grid Current

<I switched to a pair of 3CPX800 20 years ago and they are full power
today. The <3CX800 <is sensitive to plate load.  The way to tune is to
increase the load ( open the <capacitor) <and drop the grid current, peak
again the plate capacitor to max output and <repeat the <process, increase
load to reduce grid current and peak plate capacitor, you  <should find a
<load good for max power with lower grid current, max 50 mA per tube, <my
tubes run at 20 <mA grid current each for full legal power.
<My two cents,


Smart move.   The 3CPX-800A7 is the pulse rated version, and will handle a
lot more B+  vs the plane version.  (3500 vdc  vs  2250 vdc).

Years ago, Eimac made cavity amplifiers  for FM broadcast, using a single
3CX-800A7 (750 w PO)....and also a 2 x tube version  (1.5 kw PO).

Later on, Eimac issued a bulletin for end users of the above 2 x amps to
switch to the pulse rated version.  Reason was.... the tubes were being
destroyed by anode to grid arcs....due to transients / spikes / surges /
hiccups  etc...coming in off the street via the 230/240 vac  50/60 hz
incoming power.

Both versions of that tube only have floozy 4 watt grids in em.  Any anode
to grid arc will take out the tiny grid in an instant, even with a hd 50
ohm glitch resistor and fast HV fuse in the B+.

Jim  VE7RF
Amps mailing list

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