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Re: [Amps] HV Diodes

To: <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] HV Diodes
From: "Paul Christensen" <>
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2014 07:04:39 -0400
List-post: <">>
The original Semtech SCH5000 "SLIMPAC" diodes as used in the 77Sx/Dx are only current-rated at 0.5A/5KV PIV.

I see several microwave oven diode blocks available with a rating of 5KV/0.9A. Even a string of 1N4007 diodes (4 x 5 diodes) would be a reasonable equivalent to the SCH5000 and manufacturing QC is pretty tight for new diodes.

On the big auction site, one U.S. seller has a set of four 7.5KV/1A blocks for about USD $20. Search "2CLG 7500V" These appear to be a near drop-in fit for the SCH5000.

BTW, the SCH5000 are still original in my 77Dx and 44 year-old 70V. Either they are adequate for the job - or I'm living a charmed life.

Paul, W9AC

On Tuesday, October 7, 2014,  you wrote:

One of the HV6-1 diodes (made by K2AW) in my Alpha 77 SX failed this
morning and I am looking for replacement recommendations.

Does any one have four off the above diodes that they are willing to
sell (contact me off list if available)?

How were there diodes made?

What would be a safe replacement/

73, George
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