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Re: [Amps] Re "illegal" amplifiers

Subject: Re: [Amps] Re "illegal" amplifiers
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2024 10:58:11 -0500
List-post: <>
To quote a famous ham / musician :
"My Maserati does 185
I lost my license... Now I can't drive"

My thoughts... The "Big Guns" do us all a big favor. They work the DX early on in the dxpedition and then get quiet. The 1KW guys call and call and call .... creating more interference than the "Big Guns".

On 2024-09-22 10:29 am, Donald Fox via Amps wrote:

Just about any modern vehicle on America's roads to day will run 100 mph. This does not mean that the owner has to drive that fast, or should. Maybe it would help folks who are triggered by such talk to simply drop off a zero or two in their mind, ie a 12,000 watt amp becomes a 1200 watt amp.
See what I did there? I just came up with a coping tool.

I would hope that a number of us might agree that the US is in the midst of some very troubling times at present, and I submit that getting all bent out of shape about things like this are just petty. Let's not forget that ham radio as great as it is, is just a hobby. If we can't discuss RF amplifiers here, maybe we should all digress to cottage cheese. At in that case, it's all curdled milk!

Respectfully submitted with a bit of humor and a touch of sarcasm.

Don  N8ECH

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