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Re: [Amps] SB220 w/5 3-500

Subject: Re: [Amps] SB220 w/5 3-500
From: "Rob Atkinson" <>
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 13:16:12 -0600
List-post: <">>
I know there are u.s. hams running more than the 1.5 kw limit but I at
least like to believe that they aren't stupid enough to do it with
five 3-500s hacked into a SB220 cabinet with the grotesque
construction shown in those ebay photos--the photo showing the jumble
of anode connections almost made me sick.

I guess I've always wanted to think the ham running 5 kw is doing it
with a beautifully homebrewed 3cx3000 amp but maybe not since anyone
not satisfied with 1.5 kw may do things the 5 x 3-500 way.
If the wattage is done this way, these folks have more than neighbor
garage doors or the FCC to worry about; they can start by having a big
fire extinguisher handy.


rob / k5uj
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