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Re: [Amps] Henry 2K-2 failure

To: Amps <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Henry 2K-2 failure
From: Mark - N5OT <>
Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2024 06:26:41 -0500
List-post: <>
It turns out Henry protected the plate meter with a fuse. Good news. The fuse measures blown/open, so hoping it protected the meter.

I'll replace the fuse and report back.

Mark N5OT

On 9/6/2024 7:47 AM, Mark - N5OT wrote:

Today I have a 2K-2 that has developed a problem.  For grins / out of curiosity, I thought I would see what I could get out of a pair of used Eimac Y-826s that had tested good some years ago.  After I tested them I wrapped those tubes up and put them on the shelf waiting for the right moment.

The amp ran fine for maybe 2 hours on CW at probably 25-50% duty cycle. I was surprised how much drive was needed - really the tubes performed no better than the 3-400Zs I took out and set to the side.  Oh well.

When I was doing some additional testing the following happened:

1. The little red breaker popped when I let up on the footswitch.  So it happened during a non-key-down moment.  I let up on the footswitch, heard the click, amp now did not transmit.  Checked breaker - it was popped so I reset it.  Amp now worked again but plate current meter no longer works.  Yes, I know I should have protected it.  I am assuming it was not protected.  Oh well.

2. Amp transmits just as it did, however, now the tubes glow orange 100% of the time, even while idling at key-up.

I am assuming this is not a sustainable condition, something changed or broke, and I need to not run it like this.

I am also assuming there are multiple smart guys reading this who know from the description above what has happened and can guide me toward restoring the amp to operation.

Learning by experience,
73 - Mark N5OT

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