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[Amps] Alpha 86

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] Alpha 86
From: G3SEK at (Ian White, G3SEK)
Date: Fri Mar 7 13:25:52 2003
Phil Clements wrote:
>Anyone who has built a Heath SB-1000 is very familiar with the corona
>washer. It is included with the kit. Perhaps one can download the manual
>from BAMA or somewhere if you want to see pictorials and installation
>instructions for it. It is a simple flat washer that is placed on one of the
> switch contacts.

I just finishing repairs and upgrades to an SB-1000, including having 
replaced that burned-out 160m switch wafer with an AL-80 spare from 

There was no sign of that particular amp ever having used and 
anti-corona washer, and its original assembly manual does not show one. 
I'd very much like to add one before returning the amp to its owner, but 
I'm still not clear exactly where it should go.

Having already read the "thousand words", I'd really appreciate a 
picture! If anyone can take a picture, either of an amp or from a 
(later?) manual that shows it, I'd be very grateful.

Unfortunately the SB-1K manual is not available at BAMA (it's on their 
"wanted" list) or anywhere else that Google could find.

73 from Ian G3SEK         'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)
                            Editor, 'The VHF/UHF DX Book'
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