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[CQ-Contest] WPX: New rule for Multi-Single???

Subject: [CQ-Contest] WPX: New rule for Multi-Single???
From: n5nj@gte.net (Bob Naumann - N5NJ)
Date: Sat Mar 17 00:39:34 2001

I believe that you're interpretation is correct.

The WPX multi-single is now the same as the CQWW multi-single.

I'm not sure that this is a good thing in the long run, but it will
keep the guys on a second radio awake.


(see you from AA5NT in the SSB WPX)

Robert E. Naumann
N5NJ / V26O
Plano, TX  USA
ex KR2J, V26RN, W6V, WA2OVE
----- Original Message -----
From: "Soro Roberto" <roberto.soro@sia.it>
To: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 10:19
Subject: [CQ-Contest] WPX: New rule for Multi-Single???

 > 2. Multi Operator (All band operation only)
 > (a) Single-Transmitter: Only one transmitter and one band permitted
 > the same time period (defined as 10 minutes).
 > 2. Multi-Operator (All band operation only)
 > (a) Single-Transmitter: Only one transmitter and one band permitted
 > the same time period (defined as 10
 > minutes). Exception: One-and only one-other band may be used during
 > 10-minute period if-and only
 > if-the station worked is a new multiplier. Logs found in violation
of the
 > 10-minute rule will be automatically
 > reclassified as multi-multi.
 > Does this mean, if I correctly interpret the exception, that I can
have a
 > RUN station on one band (let say 20m) and
 > a MULT station on another band (let say 15) and this MULT station
may work,
 > as many other stations as he can,
 > providing they are only new multipliers??
 > I would like to know opinions on this topic.
 > thanks and cu in WPX.
 > Bob,I2WIJ (IU2M  M/S in WPX contest)
 > mailto:i2wij@qsl.net
 > http://www.qsl.net/i2wij/
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