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[ct-user] An easier way to create a bootable CD _ Roxio Easy CDCreator

To: cq-contest@contesting.com;, ct-user@contesting.com
Subject: [ct-user] An easier way to create a bootable CD _ Roxio Easy CDCreator
From: kd4d@comcast.net
Date: Tue, 01 Feb 2005 13:40:47 +0000
List-post: <mailto:ct-user@contesting.com>
Good morning, all:

Mal, N7MAL, mentioned to me a much easier way to create a bootable
DOS CD.  If you have Roxio Easy CD Creator (which I have pre-installed)
on my Dell laptop computer (I have Version 5), you can start Easy CD
Creator,  go to File->New CD Project->bootable CD, and you get
a requestor for a file or floppy disk drive.

If you don't have Roxio, you can download free tools from the Web
to allow you to do this anyway, but it isn't as easy.  Let me know if
you want the instructions for doing it the hard way!  :-)

This is cool.  It looks like you can directly create a bootable CD from
a floppy disk drive (or a disk device using VFD (Virutal Floppy Driver)
if you don't have a disk drive.

This way, you can configure a Windows 98SE boot floppy (basically
DOS 7.1) the way you want it and instantly create a bootable CD!

Thanks, Mal!


Mark, KD4D
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