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Re: [CQ-Contest] 1 Point for Intra-Country QSOs

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] 1 Point for Intra-Country QSOs
From: K9MA <k9ma@sdellington.us>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 14:40:32 -0500
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
I'm all for keeping CQWW a DX contest by not allowing intra-country QSO's.

I would, however, like to see some sort of rule changes to make things more interesting, especially late in the contest, for those of us with modest stations inland of the US east coast. Many of us know the drill: Either one can't find a clear frequency to try to run, or running is just painfully slow, but every signal we can find in S&P mode is a dupe. Meanwhile, how many operators are all tuning around and haven't worked each other? What can we do to enable and encourage these operators to call CQ, so they can find each other? I think some sort of modified Sprint QSY rule might work, but that will be extremely unpopular with the big guns. Any other ideas?
I've found that the 24 hour category helps, as I'm a lot less likely to 
have those painfully slow rates near the end, but I wouldn't mind 
putting in a few more hours, if I could keep my rate above, say, 50/hr, 
so I'm not bored out of my head.


On 7/21/2016 13:05, Raymond Benny wrote:
With the present scoring system on the CQ 160 and other 160m contests, they
have become mostly just another domestic contest. I seldom compete in them
now days but I will look to work the DX stations. Just as the title of the
contest "World Wide" contest.

My 2 cents.


On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 6:41 AM, Steve Sacco NN4X <nn4x@embarqmail.com>

While this might be fun on the higher bands, on the low bands, it would
spell disaster.

I find it frustrating and sad during some of these 160M "DX contests" to
be listening to a DX station on 160M on the same frequency as a U.S.
station calling "CQ", with the U.S. station working stateside QSO's left
and right, because it's the way to optimize their score.  Working
bucketloads of 2-pointers is far (more than 5X ) easier than working a DX
station in another continent for 10.  Yeah, I'm looking at you, 2016 CQ
World-Wide 160-Meter Contest.

There's not a lot of "world-wide" action going on during that one, at
least from my perspective.

I turn that contest into a "Work DX only" game, as a reward to them for
their endless CQing in the face of overwhelmingly louder U.S. stations, or
calling U.S. stations which can't hear them.


On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 9:01 PM, Jim George <n3bb@mindspring.com> wrote:

Agree. At my weekly "radio lunch" with K5NA, K5OT, W5JAW, and N5TW, we
came up with the same thing. Everyone should be able to work his/her own
country for one point. This would not only encourage more activity, but
eliminate one current irritation of the CQWW where people in your
call you and you either ignore them or work them to clear the frequency
weaker DX. That would level out the current rules where people are in
countries and can work others at high rates (at more points). It should
help activity in large countries like W, RA, VU, VE, VK, BY, etc.,  as
as other counties that have significant ham radio populations.

It would allow more action on bands that currently are of little use at
many "dead times," and of course would have a major impact on M/M
Jim N3BB
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