I agree too, great idea. Even though fun to chase, it is frustrating and
difficult to compete against big stations with a lot of aluminum high in the
air. I've been trying for a long time! The TB/Wires category has allowed me
to break into the top ten (US) several times in WPX but I'd only be somewhere
in the top 50 if not for the TB/Wires category.
I prefer the CQ WPX model of TB/Wires but think there should be a height
limitation on all the antennas (50-60 feet?) but include a tribander (a lot of
us "little pistols" use low tribanders - I wish ARRL limited antenna category
would allow for a low tribander). Kinda combine the ARRL limited antenna
category with the CQWPX TB/Wires category. One tribander (w. one feedline) and
single element wires at a max of 50-60 feet. That takes away the TH7's at
100ft and rotatable dipoles (as mentioned) and the 80m vertical at 100ft apex,
BTW, to answer AF5CC's question; in 2023 SS Phone there were 517 logs out of
1,398 eligible (37%) choosing the limited antenna overlay.
> On 01/17/2025 12:19 AM EST JOHN GEIGER via CQ-Contest
> <cq-contest@contesting.com mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com> wrote:
> I agree Jeff that this is a good idea, and I have thought this for a while.
> We have QRP awards and QRP categories in most contests and have for some
> time, but usually do not recognize the challenge which limited antennas pose
> to operating. CQ had the TB-Wires overlay, but that would include a TH7 at
> 100 feet and rotatable dipoles for the low bands, not exactly limited.
> It will be interesting to see how many entered the limited antenna category
> in the SS this past year.
> 73 John AF5CC
> Sent using {0}
> ---- On Thu, 16 Jan 2025 12:33:39 -0600 Jeff Clarke <ku8e@ku8e.com
> mailto:ku8e@ku8e.com> wrote ---
> I was just wondering if the sponsors of the NAQP would consider adding a
> Limited Antenna category like both the ARRL and CQ contests have? The
> top scores in both SO-Unassisted and SO-Assisted categories are always
> the same people who have large stations with big antennas. Many have
> touted the NAQP's as having a level the playing field because everyone
> (except the QRP guys) are running 100 watts. That's not really the case
> because you really have to look at ERP not output power. Someone running
> 100 watts and yagis isn't equal to someone running 100 watts and a dipole.
> I bet there would be a lot of entries in a limited antenna category.
> Many more than the QRP category which NAQP has. The looked at the last
> NAQP CW published results. That was August 2024. There were 850 entries
> in that contest. I counted only 55 QRP entries. That comes out to only
> 6% on the submitted scores. I didn't check the SSB results but I bet it
> was even lower since the QRP guys tend to prefer CW. Personally, being
> stuck with limited antennas I would like my score compared to someone
> who has a station similar to mine.
> Maybe make the rules similar to the ARRL overlay :
> Limited Antennas Overlay – Operation is limited to the use of
> single-element antennas such as a single vertical, end-fed wire, or a
> single dipole antenna no more than 50 feet above ground at its highest
> point. The antenna(s) may cover multiple bands, as in the case of
> multiband verticals and dipoles with fan or trap constructions.
> Anyone else have any thoughts on this ?
> Jeff
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