My call (KZ1M) is great for CW, very nice rhythm, and I also get nice
comments about it on phone ragchews, but people, especially if English is not
their first language, seem to have a hard time with the "Zulu" in the
phoenetics. I'll say "Kilo Zulu One Mike" , they'll come back with "Kilo
Something One Mike", I'll resend as "Kilo Zanzibar One Mexico" ,and then they
reply, "OK, Kilo Zulu One Mike"! Also, a another problem is that my call is
very close to another very well known call, K1ZM. Do you know how many times
I get called "Jeff"? I actually bought my TS-940 from Jeff, so maybe that's
the problem.Haw! 73, Jim KZ1M.