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[CQ-Contest] N2IC request for log info to everybody-Can't help thesize.

To: n2ic@arrl.net, "'CQ-Contest'" <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] N2IC request for log info to everybody-Can't help thesize.
From: "N4XM Paul D. Schrader" <n4xm@iglou.com>
Date: Wed, 05 Sep 2007 16:35:50 -0400
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Steve (N2IC),

Your sincere interest is appreciated.

Per your request.

You can not download MY log at the address you give as there it is the
incomplete Cabrillo version.

I am not saying my contest operation was perfect copy.

Read what I have said overall.  The Cabrillo file does not identify
It does not provide per contact scores.  My log has those. The contest
checkers do
this with THEIR .cty file, not necessarily a correct .cty file.  And
isn't that assisted even if correct?  

Read everything I have said.

I am including MY actual log after the UBN file below.  This complete
log was furnished to CQ via postal mail.

###Log Summary

N4XM.160,  02:37, Friday, 08-Jun-07

---- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------
   4 -B VO1MP(3)  VO1HP(823)Wn
  20  N OL5K(659)  N4UM(52)

23 calls, 1 (U or B), ( 4.3%), 2 (U+1 or B or N) ( 8.7%)
19 cross-checked, 1 not-in-log.
BAD QSO points removed = 8 (1 QSOs).
N4XM.80,  02:37, Friday, 08-Jun-07

---- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------
  16  N CT3NT(3975)  N4XG(1)B
  19 -B YO7HH(10)  YO7HS(8) YO7HHI(438)H YO7HSI(111)
  46 -B EA8/OH5NL(2)  EA8/OH4NL(1418)Wn OH5Z(2349)N OM5NL(938)N OH5NE(809)N
  70 -N OK7Y(1754)  
  72 -N VA7RN(1390)  
  97 -B 9Y4A(21)  NY4A(3156)Wn 9A4A(15) 9Y4W(6) 9Y4AA(5447)Ww 9Y4VU(31)
 102 -B KH6X(22)  KH6BK(1295)Wn KH7X(633)W+9 KQ6X(144)H KY6X(19) SH6X(6)

117 calls, 4 (U or B), ( 3.4%), 7 (U+1 or B or N) ( 6.0%)
104 cross-checked, 3 not-in-log.
Lost countries (B or N) : YO 
NIL QSO points removed (no possible logs) = 20 (2 QSOs).
BAD QSO points removed = 48 (4 QSOs).
N4XM.40,  02:37, Friday, 08-Jun-07

---- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------
 132 -B UV4U(4)  UV5U(1575)Wn
 154 -B VO1AP(1)  VO1AAM(2721)Wn VO1HP(823)Ww VO1AA(29)
 221  U EG3F  EG3A(2146)Ww

255 calls, 3 (U or B), ( 1.2%), 3 (U+1 or B or N) ( 1.2%)
205 cross-checked, 0 not-in-log.
BAD QSO points removed = 20 (2 QSOs).
N4XM.20,  02:37, Friday, 08-Jun-07

---- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------
 122 -B JR4UYB(1)  JH4UYB(1650)Wn
 125 -B JF1SQF(5)  JF1SQC(1270)Ww
 135  N RD3A(2799)  N4WM(3)B N4BM(3)B N4RM(15)
 178 -B TM8K(1)  TM8W(907)Wn TM2K(5) TM8KP(84)
 183  U EI4FV  
 203 -N OT6L(2480)  
 247  U JA0UMY  JA0UMV(638)Ww JA0UH(12)
 260  N 8J3YAGI(1151)  N4KM(2)B
 266 -B JA5BWC(3)  JA5BJC(2375)Ww

259 calls, 6 (U or B), ( 2.3%), 8 (U+1 or B or N) ( 3.1%)
213 cross-checked, 3 not-in-log.
Lost countries (B or N) : ON 
NIL QSO points removed (no possible logs) = 12 (1 QSOs).
BAD QSO points removed = 48 (4 QSOs).
N4XM.15,  02:37, Friday, 08-Jun-07

---- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------
 134 -B CX7BF(2)  CX7BY(2421)Ww N7BF(363)N
 196 -B XE2UN(2)  XE1UN(131)H XE2S(595)H XE2D(90) XE2I(36)
 215 -B LU7SN(57)  LU7HN(565)Ww
 217  U 9Y4I  9Y4W(6) 9Y4AA(5447)Ww 9Y4VU(31)

226 calls, 4 (U or B), ( 1.8%), 4 (U+1 or B or N) ( 1.8%)
182 cross-checked, 0 not-in-log.
BAD QSO points removed = 32 (3 QSOs).
N4XM.10,  02:37, Friday, 08-Jun-07

---- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------
   4  N LU1HF(837)  N4XU(9)B N4XMN(1)B

38 calls, 0 (U or B), ( 0.0%), 1 (U+1 or B or N) ( 2.6%)
31 cross-checked, 1 not-in-log.
N4XM United States  2006 CQWW CW  02:37, Friday, 08-Jun-07
3996 station logs, 3000745 QSOs, 58916 calls, 25399 common, 33517 unique

 CALLS    COM    U+B  %U+B  1BN  %1BN   QPts  Zn  CTY  BScore  FileName
 -----    ---    ---  ----  ---  ----   ----  --  ---  ------  --------
    23     22      1   4.3    2   8.7     51   9   13     1122  N4XM.160
   117    113      4   3.4    7   6.0    315  19   49    21420  N4XM.80
   255    252      3   1.2    3   1.2    708  26   88    80712  N4XM.40
   259    253      6   2.3    8   3.1    718  30   94    89032  N4XM.20
   226    222      4   1.8    4   1.8    614  26   87    69382  N4XM.15
    38     38      0   0.0    1   2.6     99  12   22     3366  N4XM.10
$  918    900     18   2.0   25   2.7   2505 122  353  1189875  N4XM.ALL

Score totals with NIL and Bad call penalties factored in are shown below.
Four times the expected QSO-point credit, plus multiplier credit, was
removed for all "-B" or "-N" callsigns listed above. No credit is lost
for "N" or "U" calls.

    22                                    43   9   13      946  N4XM.160
   111                                   247  19   48    16549  N4XM.80
   253                                   688  26   88    78432  N4XM.40
   254                                   658  30   93    80934  N4XM.20
   223                                   582  26   87    65766  N4XM.15
    38                                    99  12   22     3366  N4XM.10
&  901                                  2317 122  351  1095941  N4XM.ALL
-1.9%    -7.9%

Actual complete log:


                           2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST
     Call used: N4XM                                           Location: 04
     Category: Single Op All Band         Mode: CW              Power: High
     Callsign of Operator(s): N4XM
     Exchanged Information: N4XM RST 04  
     Hours of Operation: 30:31
     band    QSOs   points    zones     ctys 
     160       23       51       10       13 
      80      117      315       20       49 
      40      255      708       27       88 
      20      259      720       31       94 
      15      226      619       26       87 
      10       38       99       12       22 
     TOTAL    918     2512      126      353         SCORE: 1,203,248

ACTUAL LOG (Sorry format not better-but info here)

        2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST                         page 1 of 24
      Callsign: N4XM                                        Sent: 599 04
         date                                 received               on/
      mm/dd/yyyy   band   time    callsign    rst zone    new   pts  off
      11/25/2006   40CW   0024  S58A          599 15      zc     3   ON
      11/25/2006   40CW   0030  NR4M          599 05      zc     0
      11/25/2006   40CW   0030  EA9EU         599 33      zc     3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0031  VE2HQ         599 05      c      2
      11/25/2006   40CW   0033  HG3DX         599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0034  P3F           599 20      zc     3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0034  SN8C          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0035  YU1LA         599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0036  RD3A          599 16      zc     3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0037  HG1S          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0038  LZ4TX         599 20      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0040  GD8T          599 14      zc     3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0041  G0IVZ         599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0042  HA9RT         599 15             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0042  F6IQA         599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0043  RU3AA         599 16             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0045  V31XX         599 07      zc     2
      11/25/2006   40CW   0046  P40T          599 09      zc     3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0050  CN2R          599 33      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0051  S50A          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0052  EA5AFP        599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0052  YR7M          599 20      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0053  SP8BRQ        599 15             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0054  LX7I          599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0055  CT6A          599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0056  EA2AZ         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0056  OH0X          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0057  OH5Z          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0058  EG4T          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0058  9A4D          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0059  DA3A          599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0100  S53O          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0101  9A1P          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0102  IR4X          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0102  DJ1YFK        599 14             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0103  F6ARC         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0104  UA6LV         599 16             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0105  OE4A          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0106  RK6YZZ        599 16             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0107  OK5W          599 15      c      3
      na10.63    TOTALS THIS PAGE    QSOs: 40     MULTs: 35     PTs: 115
      2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST                         page 2 of 24
      Callsign: N4XM                                        Sent: 599 04
         date                                 received               on/
      mm/dd/yyyy   band   time    callsign    rst zone    new   pts  off
      11/25/2006   40CW   0108  S53M          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0111  CT9L          599 33      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0112  IR2C          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0112  EG3A          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0114  TZ5A          599 35      zc     3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0116  OM8A          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0117  OK5R          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0118  C6ART         599 08      zc     2
      11/25/2006   40CW   0122  V47NT         599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   40CW   0122  YT7A          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0124  EA8EW         599 33      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0126  DP9A          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0128  9Y4AA         599 09      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0129  SQ6Z          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0130  YW4D          599 09      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0130  VP2VVV        599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   40CW   0131  EA4KR         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0134  G4IIY         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0136  5A7A          599 34      zc     3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0136  S57DX         599 15             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0137  HI3A          599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   40CW   0138  6V7D          599 35      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0140  OL3A          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0145  VP2MDG        599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   40CW   0146  4L2M          599 21      zc     3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0148  S56X          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0149  TM6X          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0149  OK1EP         599 15             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0150  Z38N          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0150  G0IVZ         599 14            dup
      11/25/2006   40CW   0151  J79Z          599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   40CW   0153  PZ5ZY         599 09      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0154  VE3RM         599 04      z      2
      11/25/2006   40CW   0156  ZC4LI         599 20      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0159  XE1NTT/2      599 06      zc     2
      11/25/2006   40CW   0200  HC8N          599 10      zc     3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0201  P40A          599 09             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0203  CO8LY         599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   40CW   0204  S51Z          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0204  RT6A          599 16             3
      na10.63    TOTALS THIS PAGE    QSOs: 39     MULTs: 28     PTs: 108
      2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST                         page 3 of 24
      Callsign: N4XM                                        Sent: 599 04
         date                                 received               on/
      mm/dd/yyyy   band   time    callsign    rst zone    new   pts  off
      11/25/2006   40CW   0205  VO1TA         599 05             2
      11/25/2006   40CW   0206  PA3GVI        599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0208  SN3X          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0209  DF0HQ         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0210  T96Q          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0212  G6PZ          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0213  YT0A          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0214  HK1AR         599 09      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0221  3V6T          599 33      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0222  SN8C          599 15            dup
      11/25/2006   40CW   0222  OL1C          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0227  9K2HN         599 21      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0235  DL0KF         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0238  IY3W          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0238  OM7M          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0240  8P9NX         599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   40CW   0242  TO5X          599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   40CW   0243  CO2NB         599 08             2
      11/25/2006   40CW   0244  PT3T          599 11      zc     3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0246  9A7A          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0247  UU7J          599 16      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0248  TI3TLS        599 07      c      2
      11/25/2006  160CW   0254  HC8N          599 10      zc     3
      11/25/2006  160CW   0254  VP5W          599 08      zc     2
      11/25/2006  160CW   0255  VE3OTL        599 04      zc     2
      11/25/2006  160CW   0258  VO1MP         599 05      z      2
      11/25/2006  160CW   0259  VE3ZI         599 04             2
      11/25/2006  160CW   0300  WX3B          599 05      c      0   OFF
      11/25/2006  160CW   0312  VE3EY         599 04             2   ON
      11/25/2006  160CW   0313  VO1AAM        599 05             2
      11/25/2006  160CW   0315  VE2TZT        599 05             2
      11/25/2006  160CW   0319  VP2MDG        599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006  160CW   0320  OM7M          599 15      zc     3   OFF
      11/25/2006  160CW   0333  GU4YOX        599 14      zc     3   ON
      11/25/2006  160CW   0337  VE3MIS        599 04             2   OFF
      11/25/2006  160CW   0347  EA2LU         599 14      c      3   ON
      11/25/2006  160CW   0349  V31XX         599 07      zc     2
      11/25/2006  160CW   0351  VE2WDX        599 02      z      2
      11/25/2006  160CW   0352  VE9DX         599 05             2
      11/25/2006  160CW   0352  VE2AWR        599 05             2   OFF
      na10.63    TOTALS THIS PAGE    QSOs: 39      MULTs: 28     PTs: 96
      2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST                         page 4 of 24
      Callsign: N4XM                                        Sent: 599 04
         date                                 received               on/
      mm/dd/yyyy   band   time    callsign    rst zone    new   pts  off
      11/25/2006  160CW   0403  IH9P          599 33      zc     3   OFF
      11/25/2006  160CW   0416  OL5K          599 15      c      3   ON
      11/25/2006  160CW   0421  G5W           599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006  160CW   0423  KV4FZ         599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   80CW   0427  I6WJB         599 15      zc     3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0431  K5GO          599 04      zc     0
      11/25/2006   80CW   0432  G0WKW         599 14      zc     3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0433  YT1AD         599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0433  TM2Y          599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0434  LZ9A          599 20      zc     3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0435  HA9RT         599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0436  TM4Q          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0438  MD4K          599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0439  K1IR          599 05      z      0
      11/25/2006   80CW   0440  EA4DRV        599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0441  S59ABC        599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0442  OM7M          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0442  IR4X          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0443  DL0AO         599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0445  CT3NT         599 33      zc     3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0445  SN3A          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0446  EA3AKY        599 14             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0452  YO7HH         599 20      c      3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0454  TM6X          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0456  OM8A          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0457  OK1AYY        599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0458  EA8MQ         599 33      c      3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0507  TZ5A          599 35      zc     3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0508  VE3XB         599 04      c      2
      11/25/2006   80CW   0509  DK3GI         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0513  ZF1A          599 08      zc     2
      11/25/2006   80CW   0514  HG1S          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0516  VP2VVV        599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   80CW   0519  GM0GAV        599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0521  7X0RY         599 33      c      3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0526  OL7D          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0527  RU1A          599 16      zc     3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0531  OM8FF         599 15             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0532  VC3E          599 04             2
      11/25/2006   80CW   0533  EG3A          599 14             3
      na10.63    TOTALS THIS PAGE    QSOs: 40     MULTs: 38     PTs: 109
      2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST                         page 5 of 24
      Callsign: N4XM                                        Sent: 599 04
         date                                 received               on/
      mm/dd/yyyy   band   time    callsign    rst zone    new   pts  off
      11/25/2006   80CW   0534  S53XX         599 15             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0537  YT8T          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0537  M6T           599 14             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0538  P40W          599 09      zc     3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0539  S59A          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0542  IU3X          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0544  9A7A          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0545  SN7Q          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0546  CT9L          599 33             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0547  EA8/OH5NL     599 33             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0548  IU1A          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0550  VE3NE/2       599 02      z      2
      11/25/2006   80CW   0552  EA2BI         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0554  S57UN         599 15             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0556  DF0HQ         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0558  ON4TN         599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0559  DL0CS         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0600  C6AQQ         599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   80CW   0600  DL7ON         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0603  VY2ZM         599 05             2
      11/25/2006   80CW   0605  5A7A          599 34      zc     3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0607  CS2R          599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0609  4O3B          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0612  KH6ZM         599 31      zc     3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0614  DJ2YA         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0615  DK3KD         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0617  3V6T          599 33      c      3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0624  DK2GZ         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0625  DR1A          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0629  EG5T          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0630  EA8EW         599 33             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0631  VO1AAM        599 05             2
      11/25/2006   80CW   0633  6V7D          599 35      c      3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0635  OK7Y          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0638  KL7WV         599 01      zc     2
      11/25/2006   80CW   0641  VA7RN         599 03      z      2
      11/25/2006   80CW   0646  V47NT         599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   80CW   0649  IR4T          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   80CW   0652  TI3TLS        599 07      zc     2
      11/25/2006   80CW   0656  WP3F          599 08      c      2
      na10.63    TOTALS THIS PAGE    QSOs: 40     MULTs: 21     PTs: 111
      2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST                         page 6 of 24
      Callsign: N4XM                                        Sent: 599 04
         date                                 received               on/
      mm/dd/yyyy   band   time    callsign    rst zone    new   pts  off
      11/25/2006   40CW   0701  W6OAT         599 03      z      0
      11/25/2006   40CW   0705  LU7KAT        599 13      zc     3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0709  JA5BJC        599 25      zc     3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0711  PJ2T          599 09      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0715  T40C          599 08             2
      11/25/2006   40CW   0718  ZM1A          599 32      zc     3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0719  PR7AB         599 11             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0721  NH6P          599 31      zc     3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0722  VE3XB         599 04             2
      11/25/2006   40CW   0723  V26K          599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   40CW   0725  C6ATA         599 08             2
      11/25/2006   40CW   0728  6Y1V          599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   40CW   0730  WP3F          599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   40CW   0731  VA7RN         599 03             2
      11/25/2006   40CW   0732  JR3NZC        599 25             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0734  PY3DX         599 11             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0738  ZL4BR         599 32             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0740  ZL6QH         599 32             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0743  JF1SQC        599 25             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0744  ZF1A          599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   40CW   0745  LU7KW         599 13             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   0750  JA4FHE        599 25             3   OFF
      11/25/2006   15CW   1328  IR4X          599 15      zc     3   ON
      11/25/2006   15CW   1329  EA2BI         599 14      zc     3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1331  P40W          599 09      zc     3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1332  TK5EP         599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1333  DL4FAY        599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1334  P3F           599 20      zc     3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1335  4X0G          599 20      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1337  S50R          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1339  3V6T          599 33      zc     3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1340  HA9RT         599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1343  5A7A          599 34      zc     3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1345  UZ7U          599 16      zc     3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1345  DL0CS         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1346  DJ1YFK        599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1347  OE4A          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1349  CU2A          599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1350  P49Y          599 09             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1351  OL7R          599 15      c      3
      na10.63    TOTALS THIS PAGE    QSOs: 40     MULTs: 36     PTs: 109
      2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST                         page 7 of 24
      Callsign: N4XM                                        Sent: 599 04
         date                                 received               on/
      mm/dd/yyyy   band   time    callsign    rst zone    new   pts  off
      11/25/2006   15CW   1351  EA8EW         599 33      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1353  9A1A          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1354  S52ZW         599 15             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1355  DL8AKA        599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1356  LZ2JA         599 20      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1356  OK5W          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1358  TZ5A          599 35      zc     3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1359  DL3YM         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1359  DL8DYL        599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1400  DF0HQ         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1401  ZS1EL         599 38      zc     3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1402  OL1C          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1402  DL/UT8AL      599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1403  Z38N          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1403  UT2UZ         599 16             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1404  YP3A          599 20      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1404  DL5KUT        599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1405  OM0M          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1406  5H3EE         599 37      zc     3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1406  9A1P          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1407  YT7Z          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1408  DK3GI         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1408  9A7A          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1410  F6KNB         599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1411  P40T          599 09             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1413  ZS4TX         599 38             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1415  TI5N          599 07      zc     2
      11/25/2006   15CW   1415  OL3A          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1416  GD6IA         599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1418  DL8AKA        599 14            dup
      11/25/2006   15CW   1419  G4BUO         599 14      c      3   OFF
      11/25/2006   15CW   1440  CT6A          599 14      c      3   ON
      11/25/2006   15CW   1440  SP0PZK        599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1441  SQ6Z          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1442  EG4K          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1442  PS2T          599 11      zc     3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1443  P40A          599 09             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1445  EA8CN         599 33             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1446  G2R           599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1446  K1GU          599 04      zc     0
      na10.63    TOTALS THIS PAGE    QSOs: 39     MULTs: 24     PTs: 113
      2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST                         page 8 of 24
      Callsign: N4XM                                        Sent: 599 04
         date                                 received               on/
      mm/dd/yyyy   band   time    callsign    rst zone    new   pts  off
      11/25/2006   15CW   1447  RK2FWA        599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1448  4Z5LA         599 20             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1449  W9XT          599 04             0
      11/25/2006   15CW   1450  N2MM          599 05      z      0
      11/25/2006   15CW   1451  HG3DX         599 15             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1452  SV1CQN        599 20      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1453  T77C          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1454  LZ5W          599 20             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1457  OK1FDR        599 15             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1457  DR1A          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1458  DR4A          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1459  OP1W          599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1500  F5ROP         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1500  DL4FAY        599 14            dup
      11/25/2006   15CW   1501  G6PZ          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1502  EG5D          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1503  IZ5EKV        599 15             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1506  LZ9W          599 20             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1506  PI4D          599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1507  EG5T          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1508  GM0B          599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1512  DA3A          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1514  C4M           599 20             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1515  VO1AAM        599 05      c      2
      11/25/2006   15CW   1516  HD2A          599 10      zc     3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1518  LX7I          599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1518  OE4A          599 15            dup
      11/25/2006   15CW   1519  DJ2YA         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1519  HB9CVQ        599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1521  VE1OP         599 05             2
      11/25/2006   15CW   1522  V51AS         599 38      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1523  G5W           599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1524  DQ4W          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1526  S58P          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1527  S58A          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1527  OM8A          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1528  9H6A          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1534  9Y4AA         599 09      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1535  GJ2A          599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1537  VE3EY         599 04             2
      na10.63    TOTALS THIS PAGE    QSOs: 38     MULTs: 16     PTs: 105
      2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST                         page 9 of 24
      Callsign: N4XM                                        Sent: 599 04
         date                                 received               on/
      mm/dd/yyyy   band   time    callsign    rst zone    new   pts  off
      11/25/2006   15CW   1538  KP4US         599 08      zc     2
      11/25/2006   15CW   1540  S50K          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1541  F2YT          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1542  4O2A          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1543  VE3RM         599 04             2
      11/25/2006   15CW   1545  OP5T          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1546  IZ0GKB        599 15             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1547  TM6X          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1547  S52ZW         599 15            dup
      11/25/2006   15CW   1548  HB9MM         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1549  ZW7A          599 11             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1550  S51FB         599 15             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1551  CT3KN         599 33      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1551  CT3NT         599 33             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1554  VE2TZT        599 05             2
      11/25/2006   10CW   1557  P49Y          599 09      zc     3
      11/25/2006   10CW   1557  N3KCJ         599 05      zc     0
      11/25/2006   10CW   1601  ZY7C          599 11      zc     3
      11/25/2006   10CW   1603  LU1HF         599 13      zc     3
      11/25/2006   10CW   1604  TZ5A          599 35      zc     3
      11/25/2006   10CW   1605  PS2T          599 11             3
      11/25/2006   10CW   1606  6W1RW         599 35      c      3
      11/25/2006   10CW   1608  CT6A          599 14      zc     3
      11/25/2006   10CW   1609  CU2A          599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   10CW   1610  CT1AOZ        599 14             3
      11/25/2006   10CW   1611  EA8/DJ1OJ     599 33      zc     3
      11/25/2006   10CW   1613  EA8EW         599 33             3
      11/25/2006   10CW   1615  NQ4I          599 05             0
      11/25/2006   15CW   1621  VP5W          599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   15CW   1623  IR4M          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1627  LU7HN         599 13      zc     3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1628  PJ2T          599 09      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1629  EG3A          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1629  VE3MIS        599 04             2
      11/25/2006   15CW   1630  G4FKA         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1632  OQ5M          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1632  F5PRH         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1635  J79Z          599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   15CW   1639  S52OT         599 15             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1640  G3ORY         599 14             3
      na10.63    TOTALS THIS PAGE    QSOs: 39     MULTs: 24     PTs: 105
      2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST                        page 10 of 24
      Callsign: N4XM                                        Sent: 599 04
         date                                 received               on/
      mm/dd/yyyy   band   time    callsign    rst zone    new   pts  off
      11/25/2006   15CW   1643  G0WKW         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1644  HC8N          599 10      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1645  S57DX         599 15             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1646  EA4KR         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1647  VO1TA         599 05             2
      11/25/2006   15CW   1650  HI3A          599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   15CW   1651  PY5KD         599 11             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1652  CO8LY         599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   15CW   1655  CX7BF         599 13      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1657  DR0X          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1657  S51F          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1658  VE6EX         599 04             2
      11/25/2006   15CW   1702  LU4DX         599 13             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1704  VE2HQ         599 05             2
      11/25/2006   15CW   1705  PJ4A          599 09             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1706  S50A          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1706  DF3CB         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1707  S50K          599 15            dup
      11/25/2006   15CW   1708  EI4DW         599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1712  GW7X          599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1714  VE3YAA        599 04             2
      11/25/2006   15CW   1715  HG1A          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1716  LR2F          599 13             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1721  E51YAQ        599 32      zc     3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1722  VP2VVV        599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   15CW   1725  FM5JC         599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   15CW   1726  EA4KR         599 14            dup
      11/25/2006   15CW   1727  LW9EOC        599 13             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1728  EA7TG         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1729  YW4D          599 09      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1732  W6RK          599 03      z      0
      11/25/2006   15CW   1733  ZF1A          599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   15CW   1735  LT1F          599 13             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1737  ZY7C          599 11             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1738  PR7AB         599 11             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1743  ZP0R          599 11      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   1745  PY5KD         599 11            dup
      11/25/2006   20CW   1752  VE3RM         599 04      zc     2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1753  DF3CB         599 14      zc     3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1754  GJ2A          599 14      c      3
      na10.63    TOTALS THIS PAGE    QSOs: 37      MULTs: 19     PTs: 98
      2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST                        page 11 of 24
      Callsign: N4XM                                        Sent: 599 04
         date                                 received               on/
      mm/dd/yyyy   band   time    callsign    rst zone    new   pts  off
      11/25/2006   20CW   1754  CN2WW         599 33      zc     3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1755  VC3E          599 04             2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1758  YT5G          599 15      zc     3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1759  PJ4A          599 09      zc     3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1800  G5W           599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1801  DL1DTC        599 14             3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1802  CT3KN         599 33      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1803  WP3F          599 08      zc     2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1804  S57AL         599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1805  GM0B          599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1805  VE3MIS        599 04             2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1807  F5TNI         599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1807  VE2HQ         599 05      z      2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1808  OL7R          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1809  S58A          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1810  TM4Q          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1810  DQ4W          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1811  EA8EW         599 33      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1812  9A5W          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1813  G6PZ          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1815  EA6IB         599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1815  OM8A          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1816  VE6JY         599 04             2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1817  CT8T          599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1818  TZ5A          599 35      zc     3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1819  CS7A          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1820  9A1P          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1822  G3RAU         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1823  OE4A          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1824  J79Z          599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1824  TM2Y          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1826  IR4M          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1828  YU2A          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1829  VY2TT         599 05             2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1829  CT9L          599 33             3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1830  G0WKW         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1830  HG1S          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1832  S50A          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1832  TM6X          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1833  TK5EP         599 15      c      3
      na10.63    TOTALS THIS PAGE    QSOs: 40     MULTs: 27     PTs: 113
      2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST                        page 12 of 24
      Callsign: N4XM                                        Sent: 599 04
         date                                 received               on/
      mm/dd/yyyy   band   time    callsign    rst zone    new   pts  off
      11/25/2006   20CW   1834  EA4DRV        599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1834  HI3A          599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1835  VE3EY         599 04             2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1837  KP4EJ         599 08             2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1843  OH8A          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1844  F6KNB         599 14             3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1845  C6AKX         599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1846  KP3Z          599 08             2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1847  P40A          599 09      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1848  VE2TZT        599 05             2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1849  VE5UA         599 04             2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1850  N7BV          599 03      zc     0
      11/25/2006   20CW   1851  VP2MDG        599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1852  ZS4TX         599 38      zc     3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1854  5Z1A          599 37      zc     3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1855  VE6EX         599 04             2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1857  SO9Q          599 15      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1858  OH5Z          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1859  VE3KZ         599 04             2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1903  EA1EOR        599 14             3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1905  EA8CN         599 33             3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1911  SM5INC        599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1914  VA7ST         599 03             2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1914  P40T          599 09             3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1915  KP4EJ         599 08            dup
      11/25/2006   20CW   1917  C6ART         599 08             2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1919  ZL6QH         599 32      zc     3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1921  V5/DJ4SO      599 38      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1926  YW4D          599 09      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1928  VA1MM         599 05             2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1929  TI5N          599 07      zc     2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1930  VE3EJ         599 04             2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1931  VO1TA         599 05             2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1932  VE2AYU        599 05             2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1932  CO8LY         599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1936  HC8N          599 10      zc     3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1942  KH6ZM         599 31      zc     3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1942  ZS6C          599 38             3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1944  CU2A          599 14      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1945  ZF1A          599 08      c      2
      na10.63    TOTALS THIS PAGE    QSOs: 39      MULTs: 27     PTs: 95
      2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST                        page 13 of 24
      Callsign: N4XM                                        Sent: 599 04
         date                                 received               on/
      mm/dd/yyyy   band   time    callsign    rst zone    new   pts  off
      11/25/2006   20CW   1949  TU2CI         599 35      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1950  ZY1A          599 11      zc     3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1951  VE5ZX         599 04             2
      11/25/2006   20CW   1956  PV8AA         599 11             3
      11/25/2006   20CW   1957  PS2T          599 11             3
      11/25/2006   20CW   2004  HI3/ON4IQ     599 08             2
      11/25/2006   20CW   2005  N2AA/HK       599 09      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   2010  VP2VVV        599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   20CW   2014  LU4DX         599 13      zc     3
      11/25/2006   20CW   2015  9Y4AA         599 09      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   2017  PR7AB         599 11             3
      11/25/2006   20CW   2019  PZ5ZY         599 09      c      3
      11/25/2006   20CW   2022  C6AQQ         599 08             2
      11/25/2006   20CW   2024  HP1/DJ7AA     599 07      c      2
      11/25/2006   20CW   2025  V47NT         599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   20CW   2027  VC7G          599 03             2
      11/25/2006   20CW   2028  XE1NTT/2      599 06      zc     2
      11/25/2006   20CW   2029  C6AKX         599 08            dup
      11/25/2006   20CW   2031  VA2WDQ        599 05             2
      11/25/2006   40CW   2037  OE2S          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   2044  HG5A          599 15             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   2046  PI4D          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   2047  VE3YAA        599 04             2
      11/25/2006   40CW   2050  4X0G          599 20      c      3
      11/25/2006   40CW   2055  UT2UZ         599 16             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   2056  DR5N          599 14             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   2057  UV4U          599 16             3
      11/25/2006   40CW   2102  VA1MM         599 05             2   OFF
      11/25/2006   15CW   2115  HK0GU         599 07      c      2   ON
      11/25/2006   15CW   2117  VP2MDG        599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   15CW   2120  PW2C          599 11             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   2120  PY1VOY        599 11             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   2122  CX4SS         599 13             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   2123  VE5UA         599 04             2
      11/25/2006   15CW   2125  FS/AH8DX      599 08      c      2
      11/25/2006   15CW   2126  NH6P          599 31      zc     3
      11/25/2006   15CW   2127  LU6EF         599 13             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   2131  VA7RN         599 03             2
      11/25/2006   15CW   2132  LU4DQ         599 13             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   2134  PY1NB         599 11             3
      na10.63    TOTALS THIS PAGE    QSOs: 39     MULTs: 19     PTs: 101
      2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST                        page 14 of 24
      Callsign: N4XM                                        Sent: 599 04
         date                                 received               on/
      mm/dd/yyyy   band   time    callsign    rst zone    new   pts  off
      11/25/2006   15CW   2139  L99K          599 13             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   2141  LU2FLN        599 13             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   2142  XE1MM         599 06      zc     2
      11/25/2006   15CW   2147  PP1CZ         599 11             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   2151  VK4AN         599 30      zc     3
      11/25/2006   15CW   2155  PY1KO         599 11             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   2200  XE2AUB        599 06             2
      11/25/2006   15CW   2201  AH2R          599 27      zc     3
      11/25/2006   15CW   2204  ZM1A          599 32      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   2206  PT3T          599 11             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   2208  ZW5B          599 11             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   2211  DT8A          599 13      c      3
      11/25/2006   15CW   2214  JA3YBK        599 25      zc     3   OFF
      11/25/2006   15CW   2225  VK2ATZ        599 30             3   ON
      11/25/2006   15CW   2229  KL7WV         599 01      zc     2
      11/25/2006   15CW   2231  JM1LPN        599 25             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   2232  LU6UO         599 13             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   2238  AH6RE         599 31             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   2239  KH6BK         599 31             3
      11/25/2006   15CW   2244  VA7ST         599 03             2   OFF
      11/25/2006   15CW   2257  3D2CX         599 32      c      3   OFF
      11/25/2006   15CW   2309  XE2UN         599 06             2   ON
      11/25/2006   20CW   2318  JF1PJK        599 25      zc     3
      11/25/2006   20CW   2320  JM1LQW        599 25             3
      11/25/2006   20CW   2324  J79EP         599 08             2   OFF
      11/25/2006   20CW   2350  KL7WV         599 01      zc     2   OFF
      11/26/2006   20CW   0002  B1Z           599 24      zc     3   ON
      11/26/2006   20CW   0004  JA1JKG        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   0005  JR1CBC        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   0007  JA5BJC        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   0008  JA1ZGP        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   0011  VR2BG         599 24      c      3
      11/26/2006   20CW   0020  JF2FIU        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   0026  RW0CN         599 19      zc     3
      11/26/2006   20CW   0028  T88MR         599 27      zc     3
      11/26/2006   20CW   0031  JH0EPI        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   0032  JA1YPA        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   0033  JA6ZPR        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   0039  JJ3YBB        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   0042  JA3YBK        599 25             3
      na10.63    TOTALS THIS PAGE    QSOs: 40     MULTs: 24     PTs: 113
      2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST                        page 15 of 24
      Callsign: N4XM                                        Sent: 599 04
         date                                 received               on/
      mm/dd/yyyy   band   time    callsign    rst zone    new   pts  off
      11/26/2006   20CW   0045  JD1AMA        599 27      c      3
      11/26/2006   20CW   0048  JR4UYB        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   0049  JH7XMO        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   0054  JF2QNM        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   0058  JF1SQF        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   0100  JA7IC         599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   0105  UA0DC         599 19             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   0108  JS3CTQ        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   0111  JA7AKH        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   0114  JA1ZGP        599 25            dup
      11/26/2006   80CW   0123  YU7W          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   80CW   0126  HG3DX         599 15             3
      11/26/2006   80CW   0128  YU150AU       599 15             3
      11/26/2006   80CW   0134  OL3A          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   80CW   0135  S57DX         599 15             3
      11/26/2006   80CW   0136  VE3MIS        599 04             2
      11/26/2006   80CW   0140  VY2TT         599 05             2
      11/26/2006   80CW   0142  8P5A          599 08      c      2
      11/26/2006   80CW   0144  9Y4AA         599 09      c      3
      11/26/2006   80CW   0145  S58J          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   80CW   0146  KP4US         599 08             2
      11/26/2006   80CW   0147  OK4A          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   80CW   0148  9A1P          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   80CW   0149  VE2AYU        599 05             2
      11/26/2006   80CW   0149  VE1OP         599 05             2
      11/26/2006   80CW   0151  4N5Y          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   80CW   0153  VE3EY         599 04             2
      11/26/2006   80CW   0157  VP2MDG        599 08      c      2
      11/26/2006   80CW   0200  IZ3DVU        599 15             3
      11/26/2006   80CW   0201  8P9NX         599 08             2
      11/26/2006   80CW   0208  9Y4A          599 09             3
      11/26/2006   80CW   0215  9A6A          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   80CW   0216  G5W           599 14             3
      11/26/2006   80CW   0219  DL4CF         599 14             3   OFF
      11/26/2006   80CW   0837  VC7G          599 03             2   ON
      11/26/2006   80CW   0838  KH6X          599 31             3
      11/26/2006   80CW   0840  VE7IG         599 03             2
      11/26/2006   80CW   0841  VA3DF         599 04             2
      11/26/2006   80CW   0843  LU8YE         599 13      zc     3
      11/26/2006   80CW   0844  NL7G          599 01             2
      na10.63    TOTALS THIS PAGE    QSOs: 39     MULTs: 6      PTs: 104
      2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST                        page 16 of 24
      Callsign: N4XM                                        Sent: 599 04
         date                                 received               on/
      mm/dd/yyyy   band   time    callsign    rst zone    new   pts  off
      11/26/2006   80CW   0847  CX7BY         599 13      c      3
      11/26/2006   40CW   0850  KP4US         599 08             2
      11/26/2006   40CW   0856  JA6SHL        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   0900  PA3EWP        599 14             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   0901  JA8RWU        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   0906  HB9IQB        599 14      c      3
      11/26/2006   40CW   0906  S52AW         599 15             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   0907  ZL2IFB        599 32             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   0912  YV1RDX        599 09             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   0914  H7A           599 07      c      2
      11/26/2006  160CW   0918  VA7RN         599 03      z      2
      11/26/2006   40CW   0925  VE3EY         599 04             2
      11/26/2006   40CW   0927  HK3CQ         599 09             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   0927  VP5W          599 08      c      2
      11/26/2006   40CW   0929  VK6LW         599 29      zc     3
      11/26/2006   40CW   0935  WH6R          599 31             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   0942  GW3JXN        599 14      c      3
      11/26/2006   40CW   0944  TI5N          599 07             2
      11/26/2006   40CW   0945  OK1DG         599 15             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   0946  OT4P          599 14      c      3
      11/26/2006   40CW   0949  YV1/W5ALT     599 09             3   OFF
      11/26/2006   40CW   1004  8J3YAGI       599 25             3   ON
      11/26/2006   40CW   1006  VO1AP         599 05             2
      11/26/2006   40CW   1007  PJ4A          599 09             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1008  ZL6QH         599 32            dup
      11/26/2006   40CW   1009  V47NT         599 08            dup
      11/26/2006   40CW   1012  JH4UYB        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1015  P49Y          599 09             3
      11/26/2006   80CW   1018  JH1OGC        599 25      zc     3
      11/26/2006   80CW   1024  VE3RM         599 04             2
      11/26/2006   80CW   1025  PJ2T          599 09      c      3
      11/26/2006   80CW   1025  KH7X          599 31             3
      11/26/2006   80CW   1026  VE7CC         599 03             2
      11/26/2006   80CW   1029  VK4EMM        599 30      zc     3
      11/26/2006   80CW   1037  VP5W          599 08      c      2
      11/26/2006   80CW   1039  AH2R          599 27      zc     3
      11/26/2006   80CW   1042  VE3EJ         599 04             2
      11/26/2006   80CW   1044  HK6K          599 09      c      3   OFF
      11/26/2006   40CW   1112  JF2QNM        599 25             3   ON
      11/26/2006   40CW   1112  JF1PJK        599 25             3
      na10.63    TOTALS THIS PAGE    QSOs: 38     MULTs: 18     PTs: 103
      2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST                        page 17 of 24
      Callsign: N4XM                                        Sent: 599 04
         date                                 received               on/
      mm/dd/yyyy   band   time    callsign    rst zone    new   pts  off
      11/26/2006   40CW   1113  JA2ZJW        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1117  VC7G          599 03             2
      11/26/2006   40CW   1121  ZL3WW         599 32             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1123  P40W          599 09             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1124  VC3E          599 04             2
      11/26/2006   40CW   1126  JA3YBK        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1130  RW0LZ         599 19      zc     3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1134  JJ3YBB        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1138  VE3EJ         599 04             2
      11/26/2006   40CW   1140  8P9XA         599 08             2
      11/26/2006   40CW   1143  JA7IC         599 25             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1152  JA1JKG        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1154  VK4DX         599 30      z      3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1155  JM1LQW        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1200  JS1OYN        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1203  HK0GU         599 07      c      2
      11/26/2006   40CW   1208  KG6DX         599 27      zc     3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1211  JH1AEP        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1213  XE1HSW        599 06             2
      11/26/2006   40CW   1214  VA7ST         599 03             2
      11/26/2006   40CW   1217  WP4L          599 08             2
      11/26/2006   40CW   1221  JG7IJM        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1223  VE9DX         599 05             2
      11/26/2006   40CW   1225  RX9FM         599 17      z      3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1232  JE1CKA        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1234  RU1A          599 16             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1235  VE2WDX        599 02      z      2
      11/26/2006   40CW   1242  JA7YAA        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1247  XE1NW         599 06             2
      11/26/2006   40CW   1251  JA2PFO        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1253  CO2JD         599 08             2
      11/26/2006   40CW   1257  KH6BK         599 31             3   OFF
      11/26/2006   40CW   1307  SJ2W          599 14      c      3   ON
      11/26/2006   40CW   1314  JA7DLE        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1317  JR5XPG        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1320  VA3OBR        599 04             2
      11/26/2006   40CW   1326  E51YAQ        599 32      c      3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1332  WH2D          599 27             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   1337  JM1LPN        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1342  OZ/DL1YAW     599 14      c      3
      na10.63    TOTALS THIS PAGE    QSOs: 40     MULTs: 11     PTs: 107
      2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST                        page 18 of 24
      Callsign: N4XM                                        Sent: 599 04
         date                                 received               on/
      mm/dd/yyyy   band   time    callsign    rst zone    new   pts  off
      11/26/2006   20CW   1346  EA2BI         599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1348  UW0L          599 16      zc     3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1349  HD2A          599 10      c      3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1351  RD3A          599 16      c      3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1352  LA6FJA        599 14      c      3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1356  PA5A          599 14      c      3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1400  MZ5A          599 14      c      3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1401  5A7A          599 34      zc     3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1402  EG5T          599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1403  DL6KVA        599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1408  DF0HQ         599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1409  IH9P          599 33      c      3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1410  LZ9X          599 20      zc     3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1411  YO5KIP        599 20      c      3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1412  DL3AMA        599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1412  LY7Z          599 15      c      3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1413  RW3WWW        599 16             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1414  S57DX         599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1415  SN5W          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1416  4L8A          599 21      zc     3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1416  YT9X          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1417  C4M           599 20      c      3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1418  HP1/DJ7AA     599 07            dup
      11/26/2006   20CW   1418  DR5N          599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1420  LN8W          599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1420  OK3C          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1421  Z38N          599 15      c      3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1423  HA0LP         599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1425  EA8/DJ1OJ     599 33             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1425  SM5INC        599 14            dup
      11/26/2006   20CW   1427  SM6V          599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1428  PA3GBQ        599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1428  OK1EW         599 15             3   OFF
      11/26/2006   20CW   1448  J45KLN        599 20      c      3   ON
      11/26/2006   20CW   1449  LY7A          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1450  SP1NQN        599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1451  SV1ENG        599 20      c      3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1452  IR4X          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1454  DL0KF         599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1454  S52OP         599 15             3
      na10.63    TOTALS THIS PAGE    QSOs: 38     MULTs: 20     PTs: 114
      2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST                        page 19 of 24
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         date                                 received               on/
      mm/dd/yyyy   band   time    callsign    rst zone    new   pts  off
      11/26/2006   20CW   1455  XE1CT         599 06             2
      11/26/2006   20CW   1455  YL7X          599 15      c      3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1456  YL3DQ         599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1456  S54O          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1457  OH1F          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1501  SN2K          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1502  TM8K          599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1502  LZ3FN         599 20             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1503  LY8O          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1504  M4T           599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1505  OL3A          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1507  EI4FV         599 14      c      3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1514  LX1NO         599 14      c      3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1514  DL1LH         599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1515  9A3B          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1515  UT2UZ         599 16             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1516  SM7YEA        599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1518  OL5M          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1519  SV1CQN        599 20             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1520  DH8WE         599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1521  OK1DZR        599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1522  G0OPB         599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1523  T94WF         599 15      c      3
      11/26/2006   10CW   1527  PY2NY         599 11             3
      11/26/2006   10CW   1527  8P5A          599 08      zc     2
      11/26/2006   10CW   1529  HD2A          599 10      zc     3
      11/26/2006   10CW   1530  P40A          599 09             3
      11/26/2006   10CW   1530  P40W          599 09             3
      11/26/2006   10CW   1531  P40T          599 09             3
      11/26/2006   10CW   1532  TI5N          599 07      zc     2
      11/26/2006   10CW   1534  VP2MDG        599 08      c      2
      11/26/2006   10CW   1534  V26K          599 08      c      2
      11/26/2006   10CW   1537  PY2XB         599 11             3
      11/26/2006   10CW   1540  PY5KD         599 11             3
      11/26/2006   10CW   1542  YV1/W5ALT     599 09      c      3
      11/26/2006   10CW   1544  FY5FY         599 09      c      3
      11/26/2006   10CW   1545  HC8N          599 10      c      3
      11/26/2006   10CW   1545  W5VX          599 04      z      0
      11/26/2006   10CW   1546  H7A           599 07      c      2
      11/26/2006   10CW   1548  PR7AB         599 11             3
      na10.63    TOTALS THIS PAGE    QSOs: 40     MULTs: 17     PTs: 111
      2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST                        page 20 of 24
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         date                                 received               on/
      mm/dd/yyyy   band   time    callsign    rst zone    new   pts  off
      11/26/2006   10CW   1549  PY2XC         599 11             3
      11/26/2006   10CW   1550  PJ2T          599 09      c      3
      11/26/2006   10CW   1551  LT1F          599 13             3
      11/26/2006   10CW   1600  HP1AC         599 07      c      2
      11/26/2006   10CW   1601  YV7QP         599 09             3
      11/26/2006   15CW   1609  KP3Z          599 08             2
      11/26/2006   15CW   1609  VY2TT         599 05             2
      11/26/2006   15CW   1611  TM4Q          599 14             3
      11/26/2006   15CW   1614  TU2CI         599 35      c      3
      11/26/2006   15CW   1616  TM2Y          599 14             3
      11/26/2006   15CW   1616  EA4KA         599 14             3
      11/26/2006   15CW   1618  VC3E          599 04             2
      11/26/2006   15CW   1621  EA4KR         599 14            dup
      11/26/2006   15CW   1622  XE1NTT/2      599 06             2
      11/26/2006   15CW   1623  ON4CT         599 14             3
      11/26/2006   15CW   1625  YT2F          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   15CW   1628  VE5UF         599 04             2
      11/26/2006   15CW   1629  S58P          599 15            dup
      11/26/2006   15CW   1638  EA9EU         599 33      c      3
      11/26/2006   15CW   1645  V47NT         599 08      c      2
      11/26/2006   15CW   1647  YU1TT         599 15             3
      11/26/2006   15CW   1651  EG4T          599 14             3
      11/26/2006   15CW   1653  ZY7C          599 11            dup
      11/26/2006   15CW   1654  LU7SN         599 13             3
      11/26/2006   15CW   1656  PY5ZHP        599 11             3
      11/26/2006   15CW   1657  9Y4I          599 09             3
      11/26/2006   15CW   1659  W4MYA         599 05             0
      11/26/2006   15CW   1701  EA8/DJ1OJ     599 33             3
      11/26/2006   15CW   1702  CX7BY         599 13             3
      11/26/2006   15CW   1703  LU6UO         599 13            dup
      11/26/2006   10CW   1708  9Y4AA         599 09      c      3
      11/26/2006   10CW   1710  LU1EJ         599 13             3
      11/26/2006   10CW   1715  V51AS         599 38      zc     3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1720  SP8IMG        599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1720  PJ2T          599 09             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1722  UV5U          599 16             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1724  VE2WDX        599 02      z      2
      11/26/2006   20CW   1726  RW1ZA         599 16             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1727  EA1ND         599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1731  T93Y          599 15             3
      na10.63    TOTALS THIS PAGE    QSOs: 36      MULTs: 9      PTs: 97
      2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST                        page 21 of 24
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      11/26/2006   20CW   1734  GD6IA         599 14      c      3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1736  OT6L          599 14      c      3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1737  3V6T          599 33      c      3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1738  OL3Z          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1740  SN5M          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1741  DR1A          599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1742  VE1AI         599 05             2
      11/26/2006   20CW   1742  YT0A          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1744  CT3NT         599 33             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1746  EA4KA         599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1747  EA5AFP        599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1749  OK5W          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1756  EA8BEX        599 33             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1759  VE3HG         599 04             2
      11/26/2006   20CW   1800  IK6FWJ        599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1802  HG8I          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1803  G3PJT         599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1804  EA1FBU        599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1810  XE2S          599 06             2
      11/26/2006   20CW   1811  KP4US         599 08             2
      11/26/2006   20CW   1812  I2WIJ         599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1813  CT6A          599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1814  EA4KR         599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1822  8P9NX         599 08      c      2
      11/26/2006   20CW   1825  HA1DK         599 15             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1831  EG4T          599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1832  EG3A          599 14             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   1836  4U1UN         599 05      c      2
      11/26/2006   20CW   1837  V26K          599 08      c      2
      11/26/2006   20CW   1840  VE9DX         599 05             2   OFF
      11/26/2006   20CW   1855  EA9EU         599 33      c      3   ON
      11/26/2006   20CW   1900  VA7RN         599 03             2
      11/26/2006   15CW   1905  SJ2W          599 14      c      3
      11/26/2006   15CW   1907  XE1HSW        599 06             2
      11/26/2006   15CW   1910  HP1AC         599 07      c      2
      11/26/2006   15CW   1911  XE1KK         599 06             2
      11/26/2006   15CW   1913  PP1CZ         599 11            dup
      11/26/2006   15CW   1917  VE1RGB        599 05             2
      11/26/2006   15CW   1919  8P5A          599 08      c      2   OFF
      11/26/2006   15CW   1931  S9SS          599 36      zc     3   ON
      na10.63    TOTALS THIS PAGE    QSOs: 39     MULTs: 12     PTs: 103
      2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST                        page 22 of 24
      Callsign: N4XM                                        Sent: 599 04
         date                                 received               on/
      mm/dd/yyyy   band   time    callsign    rst zone    new   pts  off
      11/26/2006   15CW   1933  NP3CW         599 08             2
      11/26/2006   15CW   1934  PY4CEL        599 11             3
      11/26/2006   15CW   1939  PX5Z          599 11             3
      11/26/2006   15CW   1944  PY1DX         599 11             3
      11/26/2006   15CW   1945  WP3F          599 08             2
      11/26/2006   15CW   1946  HI8RV         599 08             2
      11/26/2006   15CW   1949  OH0Z          599 15      c      3
      11/26/2006   15CW   1957  HR2DMR        599 07      c      2
      11/26/2006   15CW   1959  PX5Z          599 11            dup  OFF
      11/26/2006   15CW   2027  PZ5ZY         599 09      c      3   ON
      11/26/2006   40CW   2035  YR2V          599 20             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2036  DJ1YFK        599 15            dup
      11/26/2006   40CW   2038  OM0M          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2039  LZ9W          599 20             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2042  DF3CB         599 14             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2043  OL3Z          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2044  VE1OP         599 05             2
      11/26/2006   40CW   2045  CT3KN         599 33             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2047  DP4N          599 14             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2049  DR1A          599 14             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2050  IS0N          599 15      c      3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2052  YT2L          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2053  YU1AAV        599 15             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2056  DL3YM         599 14             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2058  SV2BFL        599 20      c      3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2100  S58M          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2104  OM4A          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2106  DR4A          599 14             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2106  TM4Q          599 14             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2110  IH9P          599 33      c      3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2112  EG3F          599 14             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2112  UW5W          599 16             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2114  EA7WA         599 14             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2116  S52OT         599 15             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2119  EG5T          599 14             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2121  VO1HP         599 05             2
      11/26/2006   40CW   2123  CT3NT         599 33             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2124  IT9GSF        599 16      c      3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2130  GJ2A          599 14      c      3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2132  OT6L          599 14             3
      na10.63    TOTALS THIS PAGE    QSOs: 38     MULTs: 8      PTs: 108
      2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST                        page 23 of 24
      Callsign: N4XM                                        Sent: 599 04
         date                                 received               on/
      mm/dd/yyyy   band   time    callsign    rst zone    new   pts  off
      11/26/2006   40CW   2134  F2YT          599 14             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2141  DF0CI         599 14             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2141  OL7R          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2143  ER3DX         599 16      c      3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2144  LY7A          599 15      c      3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2145  F8CMF         599 14             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2147  LN8W          599 14      c      3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2148  OM3RRC        599 15             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2149  DK3GI         599 14             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2153  LA6FJA        599 14             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2155  OK2FD         599 15             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2157  OL4M          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2200  UW8M          599 16             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2202  DD5M          599 14             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2206  DQ4W          599 14             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2208  OL6P          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2209  EC7ABV        599 14             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2212  VY2TT         599 05             2
      11/26/2006   40CW   2216  T98U          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2217  IK2SND        599 15             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2223  C6AQQ         599 08             2
      11/26/2006   40CW   2224  VE3MIS        599 04             2
      11/26/2006   40CW   2227  HA8RT         599 15             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2230  OP5T          599 14             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2233  IR4M          599 15             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2235  DL0CS         599 14             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2238  EA6IB         599 14      c      3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2240  VE3KF         599 04             2
      11/26/2006   40CW   2241  OK1NI         599 15             3
      11/26/2006   40CW   2243  TM2Y          599 14             3   OFF
      11/26/2006   20CW   2254  ZY7C          599 11             3   ON
      11/26/2006   20CW   2256  JA7DLE        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   2259  JE1CKA        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   2302  JA7YAA        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   2304  SM5INC        599 14            dup
      11/26/2006   20CW   2304  JA7COI        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   2305  CO2JW         599 08             2
      11/26/2006   20CW   2306  ES5RR         599 15      c      3
      11/26/2006   20CW   2313  S9SS          599 36      zc     3
      11/26/2006   20CW   2315  JN2AMD        599 25             3
      na10.63    TOTALS THIS PAGE    QSOs: 39     MULTs: 7      PTs: 112
      2006 CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST                        page 24 of 24
      Callsign: N4XM                                        Sent: 599 04
         date                                 received               on/
      mm/dd/yyyy   band   time    callsign    rst zone    new   pts  off
      11/26/2006   20CW   2321  PT3T          599 11             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   2322  VE7VR         599 03             2
      11/26/2006   20CW   2324  JA0FVU        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   2324  JA0UMY        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   2325  ZF2AH         599 08             2
      11/26/2006   20CW   2326  JS3CTQ        599 25            dup
      11/26/2006   20CW   2329  JH1RNI        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   2332  CE4CT         599 12      zc     3
      11/26/2006   20CW   2333  PY5ZHP        599 11             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   2334  LU8YE         599 13             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   2335  KH6NF         599 31             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   2338  WH2D          599 27      c      3
      11/26/2006   20CW   2340  9V1YC         599 28      zc     3
      11/26/2006   20CW   2341  B1Z           599 24            dup
      11/26/2006   20CW   2343  LW1EL         599 13             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   2345  JF1SQC        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   2349  8J3YAGI       599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   2350  JR3NZC        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   2353  JA9CWJ        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   2354  VE6EPK        599 04             2
      11/26/2006   20CW   2355  JA0UMV        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   2356  JH8SLS        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   2357  JA5BWC        599 25             3
      11/26/2006   20CW   2357  VE6CNU        599 04             2   OFF
      na10.63    TOTALS THIS PAGE    QSOs: 22      MULTs: 5      PTs: 62 

Hey Steve,  I appreciate a complete check of what I am saying.

Please read everything I have said carefully.  My complaints are not just
about this log.


Paul  N4XM

At 08:18 PM 9/2/2007 -0600, you wrote:
>Okay, Paul, we have been listening to your rant for years now. How about
>your UBN report to the world, so we can judge for ourselves ?  Anyone can
>download your log at http://cqww.com/cwlogs/n4xm/, so you don't need to
post that.
>And, as usual, you are confusing the Cabrillo format of the log submission
>the log adjudication process.
>Steve, N2IC
>N4XM Paul D. Schrader wrote:
>> Andrei,
>> Contrary to what others have told you, their Cabrillo logging system system
>> is defective.
>> They have not responded to me after I pointed out their errors.
>> See below:
>> Bob (K3EST) and others,
>> I have reviewed the UBN report for N4XM and have found 6 significant
>> The log checking process is not correct and its quality is further
reduced by
>> the use of the defective Cabrillo system.
>> If I accept what your UBN says for certain contacts:
>> 1)  My 160M zone multipliers have been incorrectly reduced by one.  The
>>      deleted contact zone is covered by another contact.  10 zones (not 9)
>>      as submitted is the correct number.
>> 2)  My 80M zone multipliers have been incorrectly reduced by one.  The
>>      deleted contact zone is covered by another contact.  20 zones (not 19)
>>      as submitted is the correct number.
>> 3)  My 40M zone multipliers have been incorrectly reduced by one.  The
>>      deleted contact zone is covered by another contact.  27 zones (not 26)
>>      as submitted is the correct number.
>> 4)  My 20M zone multipliers have been incorrectly reduced by one.  The
>>      deleted contact zone is covered by another contact.  31 zones (not 30)
>>      as submitted is the correct number.
>> 5)  For an uncheckable reason the QSO points for 20M is 2 points too low.
>>      Should be 660 points (not 658).  I suspect that your error may be
tied to
>>      the 25 Nov 1837Z contact with KP4EJ.  My logging program and latest
>>      database info showed this contact as zero contact points originally.
>>      But this was incorrect as KP4EJ definitely sent zone 8 and I corrected
>>      the error.  My log shows zone 8 not by mistake but on as an on purpose
>>      correct correction.  Note that my original number was 720 points.
>> 6)  For an uncheckable reason the QSO points for 15M is 5 points too low.
>>      Should be 587 (not 582).  Note that my original number was 619 points.
>> My summary should then be:
>> band       points       zones       ctys
>> -----------------------------------------------------
>> 160           43              10          13
>>  80     247              20          48
>>  40          688              27           88
>>  20          660              31           93
>>  15          587              26           87
>>  10           99               12          22
>> -----------------------------------------------------
>> Total      2324             126        351
>> Final score:  2324 x (126+351)=1,108,548
>> Note that this is 12,607 points greater than your 1,095,941 shown in your
>> UBN report and includes your UBN contact penalties.
>> (My original submitted claimed score was 1,203,248.)
>> Let me remind you that I sent a complete log via postal mail as well as the
>> e-mail Cabrillo file.
>> Please correct my score before publishing.
>> Many millions of dollars and hours are spent for amateur radio
contesting.  I
>> appreciate the problems with your log checking costs but that is not
>> acceptable because you have accepted a defective system (Cabrillo) and
>> do not charge for log checking (as is done for DXCC).
>> Let me suggest that you charge a reasonable amount for log checking and
>> those who contribute be in a separate "Logs Checked" category.  All others
>> belong in an "Unchecked Category" which would save you a large amount of
>> time and money.  And in all cases the Cabrillo log checking system is
not an
>> acceptable method.
>> CQ is to be congratulated for including the scores in your magazine.  You
>> have some excellent contests and I hope you grab the chance to elevate
>> their status by requiring major improvements in reporting and log checking
>> as I am suggesting AT NO COST TO YOU.
>> I have been contesting for many years and just recently put together enough
>> info to realize how defective the Cabrillo system really is.  I am
trying to
>> improve the system.    See other comments below.
>> 73
>> Paul  N4XM
>> Jim K8JE (ARRL Great Lakes Director),
>> Good to talk to you at Dayton.
>> Attached are my Cabrillo related electronic files you requested.
>> The situation may be worse than I have indicated.  A forum I attended said
>> that logs were changed and modified at times by the checkers; and that
>> call signs were sometimes changed also.  Unbelievable!
>> I believe the Hudson Division director, Frank Fallon, was present when
>> this was stated, but I'm not sure.  So I am sending a copy of this
>> message to Frank.  Check with him.
>> It looks to me that the entire process should have a high level A to Z
>> And the members should be allowed to comment at some point.
>> There should be an existing document, approved by several high level
>> administrative officers, that states the details of the present process.  I
>> bet
>> one doesn't exist.
>> Jim, your interest is appreciated.
>> Please keep me informed.
>> 73
>> Paul  N4XM  PE LM 
>>                              THE
>>                             CABRILLO
>>                                            LOGGING
>>                                 SYSTEM
>>>From e-mails I have sent to others:
>> Gentlemen,
>>>From an informed source, and other information,
>> this is the way Cabrillo really is:
>> ________________________________________________
>>> I understand there is no need (indeed, no provision)
>>> to indicate a score for individual QSOs, or to flag
>>> any as dupes or multipliers.
>>> I understand the Claimed-Score field is for guidance
>>> only, and that logs are re-scored independently and
>>> in a consistent manner by the contest organisers.
>> ________________________________________________
>> Please note that the word used is "consistent", not "correct".
>> Others apparently equate the two; I don't.
>> And questions exist related to how uniques are handled.
>> And are RS/RST submissions checked?
>> It would seem to me that the log submitter should be
>> responsible for submitting a complete, accurate, scored log.
>> But that is not the system for Cabrillo.
>> And from what great source does the checking sponsor have
>> THE correct info to use with the Cabrillo system?
>> The Cabrillo system never even knows when the submitter
>> may have different, and perhaps more correct, info (multiplier,
>> or contact points, as examples).
>> Manual and non-Cabrillo electronic loggers are allowed, but
>> required to submit to an entirely different standard.
>> This is BS.
>> It seems to me that only one party should be held
>> responsible for an accurate, complete, duped and scored log,
>> and that the submitter should be the party responsible.
>> I also believe ALL should be required to submit complete,
>> and accurate, info and scores.
>> The rules should clearly state what is to be submitted and 
>> ALL should be required to submit it ALL ACCURATELY, or a
>> penalty should be imposed. ALL required submission should
>> be checked. (I understand checking limitations.)
>> With the Cabrillo system not just my effort but that of many
>> others is the issue here. For example, the guys that keep the
>> country lists up to date are wasting their time.. Updating the
>> logging programs with this info is a waste of time. Marking
>> dups is a waste of time. The effort to submit an accurate score
>> is apparently a waste of time.
>> I'm very very unhappy that we were never told about this up
>> front, were never given an opportunity to comment on it
>> before it was adopted, etc.; and have wasted thousands
>> of hours doing stuff because we didn't know the screwed
>> up system. The people doing the updates for the logging
>> program country lists that have no value with Cabrillo
>> should really be pissed.
>> The contest sponsors and logging programs using Cabrillo
>> should stop using it. The contest sponsors owe the
>> contest community a giant written apology.
>> I know some don't agree, but after many decades of
>> contesting I feel I have earned the right to inform others,
>> express my opinion, and ask for change. And an apology.
>> 73
>> Paul N4XM (ex W4BCV)
>> The present Cabrillo system and the deletion of contest results from the
>> pages of QST shows that the board of directors has not been interested
>> in providing a high integrity contest system. DXCC, although not perfect,
>> is an example of a high integrity system. Why aren't the contesters
>> entitled to a similar high integrity system?
>> I have spent most of my ham career contesting, but the administrative
>> tricks being used by ARRL and others, really turns me off. We are
>> dumbing it down, killing the integrity, and providing poor presentation
>> of the results.  It shouldn't be this way. Look at the DXCC system as
>> an example of how to improve.
>> 73
>> Paul N4XM PE LM
>> Cabrillo does not convey or require all information.  The contest sponsors
>> are only using what is submitted by the Cabrillo file, determining things
>> (right or wrong), and scoring the logs.  Their "consistent" method does
>> not mean a "correct" method.
>> Most of the contest logging programs do a decent job BUT their database
>> information must be correct.  Many contests I participate in when I use
>> computer logging require significant effort by me to correct their
>> When these programs and paper submissions are used for full
>> submission, full information is provided.
>> But all the information developed by the contest logging programs (right or
>> wrong) is not conveyed in the Cabrillo system; individual QSO score is not
>> provided, dups and multipliers are not flagged.  And because of this
>> Cabrillo submitted logs are evaluated and scored by the contest organizers
>> using THEIR system and THEIR database information.
>> Here is what to do.
>> 1)  Publish in CQ and QST how Cabrillo really works.  ALL ARE ENTITLED
>> TO KNOW.  (I spent a lot of effort determining how it works.  Most don't
>> know.  We should have been told.)
>> 2)  Change the rules to require the same submission information for all
>> acceptable submission methods.  Penalize the same for errors.
>> 3)  Make all present Cabrillo system submissions  "ASSISTED" class since
>> individual QSO scores are not provided, dups and multipliers are not
>> flagged, and logs are scored by the contest organizers.
>> 4)  With time develop an improved computerized system, eliminating the
>> present flaws/ideas as I have discussed.  Improve the integrity of the
>> system.  Provide a conduit for submitter input as to what he/she thinks
>> is correct, which the present Cabrillo system does not provide.
>> Eliminate "by sponsor" scoring.
>> The above items are really quite simple.  Why don't we do them?
>> 73
>> Paul  N4XM  PE LM
>> There are many items other than just limited Cabrillo information.
>> 1)  The fact that we were not advised as to how the Cabrillo system works.
>> This has caused a lot of non used work by unknowing submitters.
>> There is no excuse for not having advised us as to how it works.
>> 2)  The fact that other submission methods are allowed but require
>> additional information/effort.  Not a level playing field.
>> 3)  The sponsors "official database" is secret and not available and the
>> accuracy of it therefore is questionable.  And why is it not made
>> 4)  The score is requested in the Cabrillo system but is useless
>> information since the log is rescored by the sponsor when the Cabrillo
>> system is used.
>> 5)  With  the Cabrillo system some of the information to develop the final
>> score is actually supplied by the sponsor and not by the submitter.  Wrong.
>>  Wrong. Wrong.
>> 73
>> Paul  N4XM
>> If you are not that active in contesting you may not know that the
>> country files which are used to determine multipliers must often be updated
>> within the logging programs.  These files are really the info to determine
>> multipliers and contact scores.  This is a continuing time consuming job
>> and I find that even using the latest information they are many times not
>> correct, requiring a major effort on my part to determine the real
>> and correct the files.
>> But have no fear.  I have learned that since the Cabrillo system doesn't
>> this information to the sponsor it doesn't need to be correct.  So why
>> your time really knowing what is going on and providing an accurate total
>> score?  (This is part of the dumbing down.)  Of course the information that
>> the Cabrillo system actually uses is that which is supplied by the
>> wizards.  This is used by the sponsors "assisting" you in log scoring
>> (actually DOING the log scoring).  It may not be correct either.  And since
>> it is secret, who knows????????????
>> And isn't this an "ASSISTED" category?
>> This is one of my major complaints.  You are not passing what you know
>> about the multipliers/contact scores to the sponsor because there is no
>> method to do so within the Cabrillo system.  Any score you develop is
>> useless to the sponsor.  There is no penalty for dups in the Cabrillo file
>> and there is no penalty for an incorrect multiplier, etc. (since you are
>> supplying multipliers/contact scores within the Cabrillo system, and dups
>> are not marked).  There is no penalty for an inaccurate total score
>> submission since the sponsor essentially ignores your total score.  Before
>> Cabrillo and with all other present submission methods you supply this
>> information to your best ability and penalties are issued if incorrect.
>> Again note the "dumbing down".
>> NOTE THIS:  With the Cabrillo system you as a contestant have no way of
>> determining what the actual final score will be even if you have a zero
>> defect copy situation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  True even if you have wasted
>> your time and
>> made a perfect country file (which the Cabrillo system never even knows
>> about).
>> I wish to quote a statement presently on the ARRL DXCC blog:
>> "The ARRL DXCC Branch has spent many thousands of man-hours over the
>> years checking cards and making every effort to maintain the integrity
of the
>> DXCC program.  Most DXers would have it no other way.  When we were
>> considering rule changes back in the late nineties, many DXers went out of
>> their way to comment to the effect that we should never compromise on
>> integrity." 
>> The contest oriented hams are apparently second class citizens.
>> I'm trying to change that.
>> I do think it is unethical to have the different submission information
>> requirements that exist for different submission methods.
>> But when the Cabrillo system is not classed as "Assisted"
>> category it is definitely unethical.
>> I also think the integrity is definitely affected with the present
>> Cabrillo System.
>> The secrecy aspects also leave a very bad image.
>> The fact that we have not been told how the Cabrillo system works, is
>> definitely unethical.
>> It is a poorly done, poorly implemented system.
>> It is a major effort to seriously enter a big contest.  I have been there:
>> Top Ten USA, 4 consecutive years, 96 hour ARRL Phone DX Contests,
>> from Kentucky (as W4BCV).  From a small subdivision lot.
>> We deserve better.
>> I encourage others to complain to ARRL and CQ also.
>> 73
>> Paul  N4XM  PE LM
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>> CQ-Contest@contesting.com
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