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Re: [CQ-Contest] Public Logs

Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Public Logs
From: Jan Erik Holm <sm2ekm@telia.com>
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2008 15:51:36 +0100
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
I think the only reason why CQ CC made the logs public is the
cheating issue. It can not possibly be any other reason.
Since IMO cheating is quite widespread I do have full understanding
why CQ CC decided to take this action.
Personally I donĀ“t like to make my log public and it is really too
bad that the cheating has lead CQ CC to take this action. My
personal view is that my log is between me and the contest sponsor,
nobody else has no nothing to do with it.

73 Jim SM2EKM
Alexander Teimurazov wrote:
>               Dear David,
>  I dont have really anything against open logs and but if you see contesters 
> is asking questions then I dont think its right way to ask them question
>  I think that will be better if CC answer the questions once and finish it
>  You say:
>  Q: Why does one care if his or her log is made public?
>       Why CC like to make logs public?
>  Q: What is there in one's log that one would want to hide?
>       What CC wil find hiden in the log if will make it public?
>  Q:  What is one afraid of?
>         Do I need to afraid if my log is public?
>  Q:   Why would one choose to not operate a contest that would make one's 
> log
>  public?
>            Why?
>  Q:   What difference does it make?
>        What???
>  I think if CC will answer all questions below openly then people will not 
> afraid atall
>  Speculation about public log is going only because CC is not answers 
> questions and thats it and with my opinion answers is quite simple
>              73                      Al 4L5A
>> ---- David Kopacz <david.kopacz@aspwebhosting.com> wrote:
>>> W5OV said
>>> The questions that truly remain unanswered are:
>>> Why does one care if his or her log is made public?
>>> What is there in one's log that one would want to hide?
>>> What is one afraid of?
>>> Why would one choose to not operate a contest that would make one's log
>>> public?
>>> What difference does it make?
>>> ------------------------------------------
>>> Let's change the subject slightly and rephrase the questions, then tell
>>> me your thoughts.
>>> Consider your personal finances and purchases, most of which are
>>> probably made in public.
>>> Why does one care if his or her complete finances are made public?
>>> What is there in one's check book that one would want to hide?
>>> What is one afraid of?
>>> Why would one choose to not make purchases that would cause one's
>>> finances to become public?
>>> What difference does it make?
>>> At first glance, you might say, so what?
>>> What if you are purchasing Acyclovir because you contracted Herpes?
>>> Would you want your neighbors to know? (Familiar with HIPAA privacy
>>> laws?)
>>> What if you were purchasing a Playboy magazine, would you want your
>>> neighbors to know?
>>> What if you went to the casino and withdrew a substantial amount of cash
>>> and bet it on one number on the roulette wheel?
>>> People may want to keep purchases secret from a number of people for a
>>> variety of reasons. It doesn't mean they are doing anything wrong.
>>> How about the college kid that doesn't want his parents to know he
>>> bought the girlfriend they dislike a birthday present?
>>> The list goes on and on.
>>> It has been stated over and over by many hams, who they work, when and
>>> on what band they work them is to their advantage. As with most
>>> amateurs, I don't mind sharing that information with other hams I like
>>> at the next contest dinner, but I may not care too much for Joe Ham from
>>> East Oshgosh and I don't want him accessing my logs.
>>> That should remain my choice, not the sponsors.
>>> Now, let me move on to something more important...hehe.
>>>  David ~ KY1V

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