The CW Sprint (my favorite contest) will take place Saturday night in North
America as most of us know. In addition, the FOC Marathon will overlap
since the Sprint has moved to this weekend to escape the RTTY WPX conflict,
especially the chaos on 40 meters. There will likely be significant overlap
of both operating events. Some of the FOCers have suggested moving down the
band to 020 and below, but others might not read the reflector and not know
about the Sprint. At any event, there will be a lot of activity on 40 and
on 80. Hopefully the Sprint operators can target the higher side of 025 on
the two CW bands and the FOCers the lower side, but at times like this
there is such a lot of activity that everyone will need to be aware and try
to work through it. The Marathon began at 2100Z on Friday, and continues
through the weekend, so there will be plenty of time with no Sprint
competition. I'm posting this to alert the participants in the Sprint to
expect some additional activity and hopefully both groups can work to co-exist.
The Austin-based CTDXCC is pulling together two of our traditional Austin
Powers teams with silly names, with emphasis not only on "rare" Texas, but
on other nifty W5 states including MS and LA and AR. We even have a KS
station. So enjoy all these multiplier goodies and have a ball!
73, Jim George N3BB (N5AA in the Sprint)
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