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ESL address

Subject: ESL address
From: AA4NC@aol.com (AA4NC@aol.com)
Date: Fri Feb 24 13:14:59 1995
I neglected to give the address for ESL in my previous post:

Electronic Service Lab
Jim Kasunic KA3LPC
9419 Highlander Ct.
Walkersville, Md. 21793
(301) 845-6949

>From oo7@astro.as.utexas.edu (Derek Wills)  Fri Feb 24 18:22:07 1995
From: oo7@astro.as.utexas.edu (Derek Wills) (Derek Wills)
Subject: Unacceptable QSO's ??
Message-ID: <9502241822.AA25709@astro.as.utexas.edu>

        >He and I both asked the guy for the power and he gave it to us, 
        >but Tom still feels this is not a good QSO since it wasn't part 
        >of the exchange.     Bill Fisher, KM9P   

It's always funny to hear the Big Stations in the Sweepstakes
asking the Sunday pm people "So, er, Chuck, when did you get
your first license and, er, which part of Florida are you in?"
If these 'exchanges' don't count, we need to let these people
know - you can just feel them squirming in their chairs.

Derek AA5BT, G3NMX

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  • ESL address, AA4NC@aol.com <=