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RE 'What be this WPX?'

Subject: RE 'What be this WPX?'
From: JGellerRVZ@aol.com (JGellerRVZ@aol.com)
Date: Thu Jun 1 11:09:55 1995
ARRRRGH Matey Gordon!

This WPX contest be one the finest contests ever concocted
by the folks in the amateur radio...

PX=Prefix (i.e. N6, VA2, OT5, 4X6, HS7, WQ6, WB200, UN7...)

The idea of this contest is to be workin' as many prefixes
from as many countries as possible in 48 hours!  And unlike more arduous
competition (such as football, hockey, track & 
field) you get points for just about every thing you do and you
get them for sitting up all night in the comfort of your own
home (or the comfort of the local BIG GUN station's QTH)!
Points are determined by the location of the station you work
and are multiplied by the number of countries you work and the
number of different prefixes accumulated.

Don't worry about the size of your station either!  It has been 
well proven that a modest station (tribander @40 feet with 40
and 80 meter wires) can work multiple-band DXCC during this
and any of the other major contests!

Good Luck and WELCOME to contesting!
73 de Jeff, N6RVZ

>From pwalker@mbi.moody.edu (Paul D. Walker II)  Thu Jun  1 15:44:53 1995
From: pwalker@mbi.moody.edu (Paul D. Walker II) (Paul D. Walker II)
Subject: WPX Calls

>I keep having people half through the contest (Stateside as well as DX) 
>telling me I"M A NEW PREFIX !!!!
>Maybe W9's are being neglected in favor of the 2X1's!   ;-)

My last contact in the test was an N9 - a new mult!

Paul Walker N9WHG

Paul D. Walker II                 e-mail: pwalker@mbi.moody.edu
Database/System Administrator     phone:  (312)329-4392
Moody Bible Institute             fax:    (312)329-8961
820 North LaSalle Blvd            amateur radio: N9WHG
Chicago, ILL  60610               packet: n9whg@?????  BBS went offline

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