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Phone SS Rover Effort

Subject: Phone SS Rover Effort
From: N0HJZ@aol.com (N0HJZ@aol.com)
Date: Mon Nov 13 21:39:23 1995
Here are the final plans for our "rover" trip for this weekends Phone SS

We will start the contest in North Dakota, using the call, KE9QT.  We will
operate until about 0600z.

We will then move into South Dakota and operate using the call N0HJZ until
the end of the contest.

We are using two calls since many of you couldn't find a way to log us with
one call.  Although the rules state you can work a station only once, we feel
we are a "new" station since we are crossing over into a new section.

73's and we'll see you in the pile-ups!!!     Rich  N0HJZ

>From Takao KUMAGAI <je1cka@dumpty.nal.go.jp>  Tue Nov 14 02:46:15 1995
From: Takao KUMAGAI <je1cka@dumpty.nal.go.jp> (Takao KUMAGAI)
Subject: RUFZ top score(Nov/13/95)
Message-ID: <199511140246.LAA29741@dumpty.nal.go.jp>

=== International RUFZ - Top List === (last revised Nov, 13th 1995)
                                including Scores by JE1CKA/INTERNET 

This list has been maintained by the RUFZ Author Mat DL4MM and
Tack JE1CKA. Your update score will be appreciated. 
The collected scores will be merged and posted bi-weekly(or so).

   Points   Call  highest CW-PARIS-Speed (* - new)
                  (at Score, (at any other attempt) )
   50153   DF4PA  480 (520)
   48907    N8RR  480
   47532    W2UP  446
*  40582   S57AD  390 (446)
   39510  DL8WAA  416
   37463   DF1LX  390 
   36807  KC5NWX  367      (=KR0Y)
   35150   RA9AA  416 
   32973  CT1BOH  367
   32070    K1AR  367
   31943  SM0TXT  347
   31916  DL2HBX  390
   31710  DL3DZZ  367
   31688    K1DG  367 
   31200   DL4MM  367
   31101  JE1JKL  347
   30604  DL3JAN  347
   30489   T94EU  347
   29778    K3WW  347
   28859  JH0KHR  347
   28662  DL1EFD  347
   27596   KE2PF  328
   27566   G4BJM  ???
   26120  DL5LYM  347
*  25474  DL9GOA  328
   24977    K5ZD  312
   24785  SM3OJR  328
   24267  JH0NZN  312
   23915    N3RS  312
   22736    ND3F  376
   22615  DL1EFD  297
*  22418  IT9VDQ  312
   22255    K4XU  297
   22049    KU4J  297 
   21948    KR2Q  284
   21654   ZS6EZ  297
   21281   KJ4VH  284
   21133  JA0FVU  284
   20744  JE1SPY  312
   20571    AD1C  297
*  20538  IT9XUC  312
   19262   G0SYP  297
   19076    K1IU  271
   18974    K3SA  284
   18217  DL8DYL  271
   17977   DK5JI  271
   16597  DL1VDL  271 
   16468    K0OD  284
   13821   DK5QN  240
   13378  RA9AEW  240
   13255  DL6RDE  240
*  12850  DL1YAW  240
   12562   UA9AR  250
   11632  WA1ZUH  223 
   10426  RA9ATU  201
    9850  DL6ECA  201 (215)
    9742  DL8DCY  223
*   9236  DL1DSA  231
*   9166  DL1DSF  215
    8092  RA9ATW  250 
    7356   DJ5KX  201
*   7128   DK5IF  168
    6568  RA9ANR  201 
    6184  DL4JWU  178

*** 1st International High Speed Telegraphy Championship ***
This was held at Siofok, Hungary in Oct. '95.
And the used RUFZ was rather old version so the score might not 
be compared directly with above New RUFZ.

!! But nevertheless, congrats to HA3OV for his great score !!

(Senior:44years or younger)
52275   HA3OV   546
43137   HA3NU   500
37530   UA4FBP  462
36191   YO9FOC  462
35657   EU7KI   462
34388   OM2IB   396
28911   VA3RU   372
28122   DF4PA   353
27803   OM3TPG  353
27299   EU7KQ   372
25993   Z32TO   375
24209   JE1SPY  300
21977   YU7WJ   330
17155   YU7DR   286
15326   UT5UO   273
11870   JH9CAJ  222
10201   HL2IBC  240
 8286   HL1LQ   192
 7964   HL3EHN  222

(OM: 45years or older)
33415   UA3VBW  485
21120   YO9ASS  350
19198   JA2CWB  300
18140   HA3GJ   315
14309   JA1OQG  252
12209   HL5AP   233
11831   HA3HE   242
11787   Z31DX   242
11625   OE4CSK  242
 7681   IN3VST  197

Where to send the score
 2) DL4MM in DX-Cluster
 3) Mathias Kolpe, DL4MM
    Breitscheidstr. 17, D-01237 Dresden, GERMANY
 4) Tel: +49 -351 223 10 84 Fax:+49 -351 252 63 13
 5) INTERNET: mailto: je1cka@nal.go.jp or 2231084-001@t-online.de

How to get "RUFZ" CW-callsign-practice-program/contest simulation
 1) search for RUFZ at @IBM in any PacketRadio-Mailbox
 3) email info-server
      with the command in the body;
#get rufzpack.uue
        if you get the reply, you uudecode the body then 
        rufzpack.exe wil be generated. Run "rufzpack" at 
        the DOS prompt, you'll be able to get all RUFZ 
        related files.
4) free disc from DL4MM (cover handling/mailing costs only)
 ask for info

How to use RUFZ for Top-List
 1) use RUFZ version 2.12 or higher at DOS (not under Windows or DOS-Emulat.)
 2) use 50 Calls per attempt
 3) initial speed is up to you !

New scores will be issued every tuesday in PR-Mailboxes at @CONTEST
and in DX-Cluster ..

>From James K. George Jr." <n3bb@bga.com  Tue Nov 14 03:35:46 1995
From: James K. George Jr." <n3bb@bga.com (James K. George Jr.)
Subject: QSLing
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9511132115.C15620-0100000@jake.bga.com>

Perhaps I'm old fashioned, but I QSL 100% for all cards received.  All 
qsos are checked to confirm that the QSL is "valid."  While in Penn, 
there were approximately 3000 QSLs per year.  Here in Texas, there are 
about 1000 QSLs per year.  It sometimes takes two years to catch up with 
all the incoming cards, but they all get answered.  To me, as K1AR once 
stated, one commits to QSL if one QSOs.  Managers or helpers are fine-no 
problem   No one who ever worked N3BB has not gotten a QSL if received 
here.  There are approximately 20,000 QSLs in shoeboxes here!  I don't 
know if this helps me work more stations or not-really don't care-it 
goes back to the courtesy and "magic" of the hobby.  This hobby is still 

73, Jim George

>From slay@netcom.com (WA6BXH/7J1ABV)  Tue Nov 14 04:53:47 1995
From: slay@netcom.com (WA6BXH/7J1ABV) (WA6BXH/7J1ABV)
Subject: QSLing service a business opportunity?
Message-ID: <v01530500accd17d8b917@[]>

QSLing ... it's not just a problem ... it a potential business opportunity.
The topic of QSLing has come around once again ..... with many good comments.
Some suggest the use of digital or electronic QSLing perhaps by accessing
an on-line database.  Others prefer to receive individual QSL for the

For example, WQ5L wrote:
>Award applicants, instead of submitting QSLs, would note the call/date/
>time/band/mode of the QSO and note that the log is online. The award
>sponsors would then run checks of the submitted info vs. the online
>database and verify the QSOs that way.

So .... why doesn't some bright fellow, small firm, or even an organization
like the ARRL Foundation (NCDXF, etc) set themselves up to do this on a
commercial basis or in certain cases as a fund raising activity?

Logs submitted to the various contest sponsors (ie. ARRL, JARL, CQ, DARC, etc.)
generally become the "property" of those organizations, right?  So, they
could in turn license the logs (very easy in disc form) to a "QSL Service

The QSL service provider could then put all the logs into a central database and
then set up shop. Individuals from around the world could send in their QSL
requests... for a small fee... and get a relatively quick turn-around.  How
big a fee?  Should be less that US$1, I would think.

If the QSOs are not in the database ..... send them back.  A minimal charge
could even be made for this effort (postage costs + ???).

The ARRL, CQ Mag, etc. could then "audit" the operations to make sure
things are run on the up and up, at least with respect to their various
awards programs.  This would help keep the QSL provider honest.

In the case of DXpeditions where funds are often raised thru the QSL
effort, it might be possible to contract for a "percentage" of the income
over and above expenses.  In addition, the QSL provider, in order to obtain
the "rights" for handling the QSLing might even provide a source of funding
for DXpeditions.

Just a thought.

73, Sandy  WA6BXH/7J1ABV

>From Steve Merchant <merchant@crl.com>  Tue Nov 14 06:15:16 1995
From: Steve Merchant <merchant@crl.com> (Steve Merchant)
Subject: W3AFM Article on Station Design for DXing and Contesting
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.951113221313.15962B-100000@crl.crl.com>

Apologies for the bandwidth -- can someone remind which issue of QST the 
W3AFM article appears in -- and was there more than one?

Replies to me direct, please.  TIA.

73, Steve  N4TQO

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