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Re: [CQ-Contest] Real time contesting, the next level….

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Real time contesting, the next level….
From: Victor VA2WA <va2wdq@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2024 10:14:21 -0400
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>

Please disregard today's CW-Ops mini-CWT 1 results. We've got a wrong
posting processing issue causing empty correspondent call to be entered
into the RTClog. So all the majority of the QSOs were marked as DUPE. We
fixed that at around 13:43. All the latest QSOs after that time have been
entered properly.

Please don't get disappointed. That's a testing and debugging process.
That's exactly why we call you to help us with providing stable and correct
service. The next CWT 2 should be correct.

We are very excited with the number of volunteers who joined us this
morning. Please keep going! We appreciate your participation in our tests.

The https://contestonlinescore.com team

On Tue, Sep 17, 2024 at 10:57 PM Craig Thompson <craig@thompsonet.com>

> Real time contesting, the next level….
> We are pleased to share that a new scoreboard is available for contesting,
> https://hamscore.com  It is linked to https://contestonlinescore.com/ as
> well.
> Several advancements have been made with four loggers, N1MM plus, DXlog,
> QARTest, and SDC Logger that allow real time upload of your logged QSOs.
> These QSOs are stored on a server that will adjudicate your log in almost
> real time. (More loggers will be added over time)
> We are making incremental improvements to the connections to the server by
> the loggers as well as the adjudication process. We need your help. The
> more people testing this the better the process becomes. Every Wednesday,
> the CWops have one hour tests known as CWTs,
> https://cwops.org/cwops-tests/
> . Using one of these loggers, you can participate and contribute to the
> testing process.
> You operate the contest as you would normally and then take a look at the
> results. After the contest, you can compare your results with the
> scoreboard and report any bugs.
> You can report the bugs or suggestions to admin@contestonlinescore.com
> Information on how to set up the loggers for real time contesting is here:
> https://blog.contestonlinescore.com/real-time-contesting-rtc-is-our-new-project/
> The goal of this Real Time Contesting project is to create a space where
> contests can be scored during the contest and the results available right
> after the contest. We believe that this will stir up interest in newer
> contesters and grow the contesting aspect of amateur radio. Right now we
> are getting the infrastructure in place but many ideas for dashboards, web
> sites, and variations of contests are in our reach with this platform.
> On behalf of the RTC team and Victor, VA2WA #2212
> Craig K9CT #276
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