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Re: [CQ-Contest] NAQP Contest and Adding a Limited Antenna Category?

To: Jeff Clarke <ku8e@ku8e.com>, "CQ-Contest@contesting.com" <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] NAQP Contest and Adding a Limited Antenna Category?
From: W7TMT - Patrick <W7TMT@outlook.com>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2025 14:07:10 +0000
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>

I'm a huge fan of this idea. I was thrilled when the ARRL added it to their 
contest structure. One can see the value for this given the list of stations 
entering this category in each ARRL contest since it was added.

It provides visibility for like equipped stations to compete against each 
other. It highlights the great scores many of those ops produce when the 
categories are compared to each other. Some of those folks produce truly 
amazing results with simple and limited antennas. It encourages small single 
element antenna stations to participate since it allows them visibility. More 
participation benefits everyone.

I'd also love to see the CQWW contest team add this as an overlay to their 
events. Anything that encourages more participation is a good thing. 

I am not a fan of any sort of "handicap" system but rather simply providing 
more granularity to the current structure and recognition for those who 
participate with minimal antennas.

Patrick, W7TMT

-----Original Message-----
From: CQ-Contest <cq-contest-bounces+w7tmt=outlook.com@contesting.com> On 
Behalf Of Jeff Clarke
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2025 10:34
To: CQ-Contest@contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] NAQP Contest and Adding a Limited Antenna Category?

I was just wondering if the sponsors of the NAQP would consider adding a 
Limited Antenna category like both the ARRL and CQ contests have? The top 
scores in both SO-Unassisted and SO-Assisted categories are always the same 
people who have large stations with big antennas. Many have touted the NAQP's 
as having a level the playing field because everyone (except the QRP guys) are 
running 100 watts. That's not really the case because you really have to look 
at ERP not output power. Someone running
100 watts and yagis isn't equal to someone running 100 watts and a dipole.

I bet there would be a lot of entries in a limited antenna category. Many more 
than the QRP category which NAQP has. The looked at the last NAQP CW published 
results. That was August 2024. There were 850 entries in that contest. I 
counted only 55 QRP entries. That comes out to only 6% on the submitted scores. 
I didn't check the SSB results but I bet it was even lower since the QRP guys 
tend to prefer CW.  Personally, being stuck with limited antennas I would like 
my score compared to someone who has a station similar to mine.

Maybe make the rules similar to the ARRL overlay :

Limited Antennas Overlay – Operation is limited to the use of single-element 
antennas such as a single vertical, end-fed wire, or a single dipole antenna no 
more than 50 feet above ground at its highest point. The antenna(s) may cover 
multiple bands, as in the case of multiband verticals and dipoles with fan or 
trap constructions.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this ?


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