I'm a QSL junkie. I still order paper QSL cards in 1,000 quantity packages,
and my cards are based on my own photography and artwork. Sixty-some years ago
I agonized for days over my first card design from the "Little Print Shop"
sample envelope.
I upload 100% of my Qs to LoTW, Clublog, and QRZ. It's all automated via my
station logger, of course, so it's not an effort to me.
I answer all incoming cards, whether direct or via the bureau.
I "originate" perhaps 10 or 15 direct QSL exchanges each month for
acknowledgement of particular QSOs which were "more than run of the mill"
Recently another "QSL method" has come on the scene, namely the "email QSL".
If you only value a QSL which fills a slot for an award, read no further — this
new method will not check any award boxes. Its' value lies only in the notion
that another ham thought enough of the experience of the contact to acknowledge
I haven't yet joined one of the services which provide that method, so I can't
"respond" in that manner, but I do always take the trouble to reply to the
email with an email thank you note. Costs me nothing, and gives a small moment
of enjoyment to the fellow ham who took the trouble to acknowledge our contact.
73, de Hans, K0HB
Just a Boy and his Radio
From: CQ-Contest <cq-contest-bounces+kzerohb=gmail.com@contesting.com> on
behalf of Edward Sawyer <EdwardS@advanced-conversion.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 6, 2025 5:53 AM
To: cq-contest@contesting.com <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] E mail QSLs
I am starting to get a lot email QSLs after contests (probably 20 in the last
few days after the ARRL DX SSB contest).
Does anyone know what the point is other than a digital equivalent of the
traditional mailed QSL card? They are not useful for any awards that I am
aware of.
I stopped using the bureau last year and upload contest logs for N1UR to LOTW.
I have not been "responding" to these emails.
What do people know and what are you doing?
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