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[ct-user] CQ 160 M contest of 1/28/00

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] CQ 160 M contest of 1/28/00
From: Joseph Agius" <Joseph.Agius@sybase.com (Joseph Agius)
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 08:30:32 -0500
I am using CT 9.47003
When I generated reports for this contest, all my QSOs were given a 10 point
I only had US and VE contacts which were supposed to be 2 points and 5 points
respectively. Also the summary window was incorrect.
I converted the bin file to version 8 of CT and checked the file and the
reports.  They were correct.

Am I missing something in CT9.
Is there a file that rates the contests or is it internal?
I used the c160 contest setting?


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