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[Karlnet] WPBASE+ with SENAO 200mw radio cards

To: "Karlnet" <karlnet@wispnotes.com>
Subject: [Karlnet] WPBASE+ with SENAO 200mw radio cards
From: "Don Starnes" <dons@wavemasters.com>
Reply-to: Karlnet Mailing List <karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 09:56:46 -0600
List-post: <mailto:karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Hello everyone,

I am having a hard time trying to get the new WPBASE+ to work with SENAO
200mw (Intersil 2.5) or 100mw (Intersil 2.0) radio cards.  The board
recognizes the radios and will let you program them as usual.  The problem
seems to occur after they have been in service for a few hours.  I get very
erratic behavior from the boards such as:
1. Second radio stops working
2. Second radio disappears
3. Port shows empty PCMCIA when I know there is a card in it.

I know everyone's setup can be different.  We are using 12v 10a power
supplies to power these boards.  We have version 4.43a bin file on the

Any suggestions?

Thank You,


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