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Re: [NA-User] NA10.69 problem in IARU

Subject: Re: [NA-User] NA10.69 problem in IARU
From: hank k8dd <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 13:00:27 -0400
List-post: <">>
Dick .....

I don't have an answer to your question as to why you could not put in the
HQ abbreviations.  But ...... if you logged the HQ stations with a zone
number and have the HQ abbreviation for them on paper or somewhere, here is
what you could do:

Save the log and make a Cabrillo file - probably K9OM.LOG
Open K9OM.LOG with Notepad
Go to the calls in question - 830 and above - and change the zone number to
the HQ abbreviation.
Make sure that all the columns line up.
Save it as K9OM-1.LOG and submit it.

That's what I would do!

73    Hank    K8DD

On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 12:24 PM, <> wrote:

> Hi Peg,
> Thank You for the reply and Thank You for catching my  mistake.  It was the
> IARU Test I was refering to instead of the IOTA which  I listed in error.
> NA10.69 worked great allowing me to enter unique Headquarter  QTH's until I
> got to about QSO 830.  By then I had entered dozens of unique  Headquarter
> locations successfully.  But then all of a sudden it would  no longer allow
> me to enter unique
> QTH's as when I try my computer locks up every time  with the error message
> listed below... weird.  I'd sure like to get it  corrected so I can submit
> my log.
> 73,
> Dick- K9OM/9
> NE Wisconsin
> P.S.  I corrected my original message shown below by  replacing IOTA with
> the proper IARU.
> In a message dated 7/17/2009 8:06:26 AM Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
> Dick, we  didn't have any problems with NA 10.69 last weekend. Paul worked
> a number of  HQ stations. However the contest was the IARU HF championship,
> not IOTA which  is NEXT weekend. Could you have selected the wrong contest
> template?
> 73  de Peg KB9LIE in SW WI
> --- On Fri, 7/17/09,  <> wrote:
> I had problems with NA10.69 in the  IOTA contest last week.
> My main problem is that 10.69  allowed me to enter new Headquarter IARU
> locations until I got to about  QSO #800. Then when I entered a New IARU
> and try to save it  my computer totally locks up and I get the nasty error
> message: "Error 09  occured in Module NAS10.69 at address 085A:3D9E".
> Please advise  how I can get 10.69 to take the new Headquarter IARU
> locations and  score my log properly. An example of my problem is that QSO
> # 1034
> with YV5AJ  the proper QTH is RCV but it won't let me enter it.
> Can  anyone help me correct this problem so I can finalize my log and  file
> it?
> 73,
> Dick- K9OM
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