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[Propagation] 1859 UTC 2010-FEB-02 - M2.9 X-ray Flare. Radio Blackout

To: "Propagation (PSC)" <>, propagation <>
Subject: [Propagation] 1859 UTC 2010-FEB-02 - M2.9 X-ray Flare. Radio Blackout
From: "Tomas Hood" <>
Date: Sat, 06 Feb 2010 12:12:51 -0700
List-post: <">>
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We have a current radio blackout - 30 minute recovery estimated on lower  
frequencies.  This is due to M2.9-class X-ray flare occurring at 1859 UTC  
(Peak Time).  Expect more of the same, this weekend.  Possibly larger  
flares may occur.

73 de NW7US, Tomas David Hood - Bitterroot Valley of Montana

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  • [Propagation] 1859 UTC 2010-FEB-02 - M2.9 X-ray Flare. Radio Blackout, Tomas Hood <=