I now know two manufactures of solar inverters which are apparently free
of RFI.Both are microinverter systems.
Enphase IQ7 Series:
I have these on my system, as does my immediate neighbor, 20 meters from
my tower. both systems have ferrite chokes on the cables, which may not
be necessary. Another neighbor, about 110 meters away at 330 deg. has an
Enphase system without chokes, which causes no interference.
AP Systems DS3-S:
No interference detected 100 meters from tower. This neighbor is to the
NE, where I often have my beam pointed.
Note that I have a typical urban noise level, so it is possible these
systems would cause noticeable RFI in a quiet location. Of course, hams
in such locations are unlikely to have neighbors so close.
On the other hand, the Generac system 650 meters away has been shut down
since last summer, as Generac tries to find a solution. I must recommend
avoiding Generac systems at all cost.
Scott K9MA
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