On Thu,1/21/2016 3:17 PM, WW3S wrote:
And can it be prevented? Trying to track down a loud “buzz” on 160/80
Fundamental physics -- ANY conductor that carries an RF current WILL
radiate it. And any conductor that sees an radio wave will receive it --
that is, the radio wave produces current. This is simple antenna action,
and the conductor is antenna. Antennas re-radiate signals all the time.
So do the "ground" wires that come down wooden poles that support
telephone and power lines. I regularly use a VHF/UHF talkie with a
wideband RX to poke around for RFI. Below 10 MHz, it uses a loopstick
antenna in it's base. One of the places I look for noise is on those
"ground" wires. On a good pole, I hear radio stations instead of noise.
One day poking around in my neighborhood, I heard N7DD pounding in on
that "ground wire."
In the words of the late Neil Muncy, ex-W3WJE who identified the Pin One
Problem in 1994, "you say 'ground wire, or speaker wire or mic cable,'
but Mother Nature says ANTENNA!"
As to your problem -- I strongly urge you to get serious about grounding
and BONDING in your station. Study
http://k9yc.com/GroundingAndAudio.pdf and carefully do what it says. I
think it's quite likely that inadequate (or even non-existent) BONDING
is the root cause of your problems.
73, Jim K9YC
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