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[RFI] Six Meter Intruder

To: <rfi@contesting.com>
Subject: [RFI] Six Meter Intruder
From: "Johnson, Karin" <Karin.Johnson@nielsen.com>
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 10:51:47 -0500
List-post: <rfi@contesting.com">mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
  Hello Group:
Recently while investigating a noise source on 15 meters I had my
spectrum analyzer hooked up to the antenna and noticed a few very strong
carriers up around 50 MHz.  I'm not active on Six Meters so wasn't too
concerned about them, but my curiousity got the best of me and I took
out the VX-5r and tuned to one of them at 50.650 MHz.  To my surprise I
was hearing television audio and distinctly noticed an NTSC video
carrier 4.5 MHz lower in frequency.  Now this is not normal.  I went for
a brief walk to see if the signal either increased or decreased in
amplitude.  I couldn't see a major change in signal strength by walking
only a few houses away (about 300 feet). I did turn off the main power
to my house, so it isn't coming from some unknown device in my house,
like a cable set top box gone rogue. 
My question to the group is, has anyone come across a new breed of
television extension device like some that Radio Shack sell for remoting
a video/audio feed via 2.4 GHz link.   Only this one functions on or
near the six meter band?   Just a curious question at this point.  As I
mentioned before I don't operate on six meters so is really no concern
to me.   
Karin Anne Johnson  P.E.  K3UU
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