A dipole 150 ft away does not a meaningful sample for RFI. Meaningful
would be a portable RX that can be placed near the wiring for the
potential noise source, and the source would need to be performing
actions that generate noise. Multiple examples in
http://k9yc.com/KillingRXNoiseVisalia.pdf and see NK7Z's work on
watching for noise over a 24 hour period.
73, Jim K9YC
On 8/31/2019 9:07 AM, Donald Chester wrote:
I just installed a 24k BTU DIY model to replace the old window unit in the
shack. It works great so far and is whisper quiet acoustically. No RFI on any
band with my beverage, or dipole located about 150 ft from shack. It produces
white noise on my indoor 160m coaxial loop located just a few feet away.
Haven't determined if this originates from the indoor or outdoor a/c unit, or
both. I'll have to wait till upcoming season when QRN subsides and activity
resumes to see how much an issue this will be. LED lighting in the shack
hasn't been a problem.
Don k4kyv
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