This is why I don't want government running the health care.
Dale, K9VUJ
At 11:18 AM -0400 7/7/03, wrote:
>Reading the comments filed with the FCC over the past few days on the BPL NOI
>(03-104), one sees a lot of duplicated messages, including a few from me.
>We dupers are not as dumb as it might seem. My last attempt at posting
>comments, today, went normally. I filed my comments, received a
>prompt to finalize
>the process, and then received a confirmation, including a confirmation
>Before that, beginning on Thursday, I would file my comments, get the prompt
>to continue and finalize the comments, and then received an error message that
>the session was being terminated. It appeared that the web site was broken,
>and the comments were not received.
>Well, in spite of the error message, the comments eventually made it into the
>file. Again and again. And therefore, you see lots of repeated messages.
>Excuse us, but we weren't trying to be repetitive!
>Jim Stahl K8MR
>RFI mailing list