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Re: [RFI] wall warts and shielding the DC side - theory?

To: Jim Brown <jim@audiosystemsgroup.com>
Subject: Re: [RFI] wall warts and shielding the DC side - theory?
From: Greg Troxel <gdt@lexort.com>
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 19:32:33 -0400
List-post: <mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
Thanks, but I was trying to ask about endfed behavior in theory, rather
than how to proceed (which I have read about and realize is empirical as
to exactly where and how much you need).

Perhaps another way to phrase it:

In your experience, given a wall wart that plugs in directly, with a dc
cord, do you find that adding say 2000 ohms of common-mode choking
impedance to the dc cord, right at the device, will significantly reduce
the common-mode current that the device creates on the mains wiring, at
least typically?  If so, is it reasonable to think of this as "end fed
antenna, once counterpoise is taken away, doesn't work as well"?

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