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[RTTY] Which RTTY Program To Use ??

To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] Which RTTY Program To Use ??
From: wa9als@starband.net (WA9ALS - John)
Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2001 21:32:16 -0500
> Amen, Dick.  I will stick to the KAM also.  I much prefer running FSK.
> Writelog supports the KAM+.
> I also tried the MMTTY plug in with Writlog.  In my experience, it does
> copy any better than the KAM+.
> Jim   W4LC

The common "soundcard" programs (including MMTTY, RITTY, Writelog/Rttyrite
etc) also support FSK transmit, so you don't have to give that up.  You do
need a serial port that supports 5-bit code though.  73

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