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[RTTY] ARLB032 ARRL Files Erratum to "Symbol Rate" Petition for Rule Mak

To: "'RTTY Reflector'" <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] ARLB032 ARRL Files Erratum to "Symbol Rate" Petition for Rule Making
From: "Jim N7US" <jim@n7us.net>
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2013 14:32:57 -0600
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
-----Original Message-----

ARLB032 ARRL Files Erratum to "Symbol Rate" Petition for Rule Making

ARRL Bulletin 32  ARLB032
>From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT  December 2, 2013
To all radio amateurs 

ARLB032 ARRL Files Erratum to "Symbol Rate" Petition for Rule Making

The ARRL has filed an Erratum with the FCC to correct an error in its
"symbol rate" Petition for Rule Making (PRM), filed November 15 with the FCC
and put on public notice for comment as RM-11708 a few days later. The
League's petition asks the FCC to delete the symbol rate limit in
§97.307(f) of its Amateur Service rules and replace it with a maximum
bandwidth for data emissions of 2.8 kHz on amateur frequencies below 29.7
MHz. The Erratum, filed November 26, removes an erroneous reference in the
appendix at §97.307(f)(3) to "unspecified digital codes" and includes a
corrected appendix.

"In one respect the criticism being voiced about our RM-11708 petition has
some merit," said ARRL CEO David Sumner, K1ZZ. "This is with regard to the
addition of 'unspecified digital codes' language to §97.307(f)(3). This
change is not discussed at all in the body of the petition and was not
intended to be included in the proposal."
The Erratum "relates only to the Appendix as originally filed, and only with
respect to the proposed revised text of §97.307(f)(3)," 
the League said. "The remainder of the Petition was correct as filed."

The revised proposed §97.307(f)(3) will read: "Only a RTTY or data emission
using a specified digital code listed in §97.309(a) of this part may be
transmitted. The authorized bandwidth is 2.8 kHz."
Sumner pointed out that in 1995 the FCC clarified that "specified digital
code" is any digital code that has its technical characteristics publicly

"All of us who reviewed the draft and missed this are deeply sorry for the
confusion thus caused," Sumner said.

In its petition, the ARRL said that the changes it is proposing "would, in
the aggregate, relieve the Amateur Service of outdated, 1980s-era
restrictions that presently hamper or preclude Amateur Radio experimentation
with modern high frequency (HF) and other data transmission protocols."

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