Having seen virtually no mention of it on the RTTY reflector I almost spaced
off the craziest, most insane, and totally schizophrenic four hours ever of
RTTY contesting (AKA, the RTTY Sprint). A quick check of the NCJ web site
revealed the RTTY sprint is schedule for 3/14/04 from 0000 - 0400 UCT which
here in the Midwest is this Saturday from 6 - 10 PM (CTD).
Is anyone out there in RTTY land interested in playing on an RTTY Sprint team?
If so I will organize a team for TCG. Up to 10 people can play on a team in
the sprint. Email me direct if Interested
Hopefully someone else is also putting together a team for this one as it takes
two teams for team competition.
73 Larry L
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