I have 2 RTTY confirmations from ZD9, both in 1990:
ZD9BV - 1990 was the last QSO I had with him. His most recent
callout on the Cluster was 18 JAN 04, a mere 5 days ago, on 15 SSB.
So he's done RTTY in the past and is still active, so may be worth
doing some hunting and see if you can talk him back on RTTY!
ZD9CO - 10m RTTY Nov 1990, my only QSO with him.
Over the years, I've worked a bunch of others there. Most recent ZD9
was ZD9IR in the CQWW CW 2001 on 2 bands.
I recall seeing a show on PBS about Tristan and it was called the
most remote island on Earth.
Barry W2UP
On 23 Jan 2004 wrote:
> I just past 300 confirmed on rtty in 2003. It has
> been a long road. I started rtty in 1975.
> But one country that has eluded me is:
> ZD9 Trista Da Cunha
> I have worked it only once, and then it was on SSB. I
> heard but not worked them on CW of couple of times,
> but in my 35 years as a Ham this has been one of the
> rare of the rarest for me.
> I wonder why? Seems like there is air travel to the
> island, and there is or was a ham living there. It
> seems like all the other rare ones are being over
> worked.
> After all, who needs another ZA, BY or P5 on rtty?
> Anybody got any thoughts on this?
> Joe K0BX
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