On Mon, 19 Mar 2007 09:32:37 -0500, Jerry Flanders
<jeflanders@comcast.net> wrote:
>Now that you have started this list, I am curious about my totals.
>I am sure all DX'ers keep up with their numbers, but I could use some
>help - is there a way to process a Writelog log (or something
>generated by WL like ADIF or ASCII) to come up with the data? Maybe a
>freebie program?
>Jerry W4UK
------------ REPLY FOLLOWS ------------
Absolutely. The DX Labs suite of programs is free and will do just
what you want.
There are several applications in the suite, but DX Keeper is the
basic logbook and that's the one you need. Also, it makes uploading
LOTW information easy as can be. The help files are very extensive and
will explain it all.
Completely free and extremely well supported by the author, Dave,
AA6YQ. Perhaps the best bargain in all of ham radio.
Bill W6WRT
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