On Aug 24, 2008, at 10:38 AM, F4DVX David wrote:
> i want to use the RTTY connector on rear FT1000MP to use good
> filter on rtty
I forgot to add that narrow crystal filters will work on PKT mode on
the FT-1000MP. Just set Menu 6-5 to center the filters with the
computer generated tone pairs.
For example, if you are using the 2125/2295 Hz tone pair for RTTY,
just choose the 2110/2310 packet pair.
By the way, in my FT-1000MP manual, the documentation incorrectly
states that the packet pair is "2110/2130Hz" -- it should instead be
2110/2310 (i.e., 200 Hz shift). 2110/2130 makes no sense of course,
since it would indicate a 20 Hz shift!
Chen, W7AY
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