On 1/30/06 4:34 PM, "rtty-request@contesting.com"
<rtty-request@contesting.com> wrote:
> I did want to make one comment on the Kenwood TS-570. I used one as a second
> radio in a CQWW RTTY contest a few years ago and the 250 hz filter did not
> work
> well at all. Nearby stations killed the AGC and made it nearly impossible to
> copy weak signals. The Kenwood TS-870 does not have this problem and has
> excellent filters.
I use a TS-570S(G) on RTTY and it took me two years to learn how to really
use the rig in AFSK. When Kenwood designed the TS-570 they assumed all RTTY
would be run in FSK and AFSK was an after thought. For AFSK I learned to
replace the Kenwood SSB filter with the Kenwood CW filter, set Menu Item 46
(IF filter) to 1800 and advance the IF shift knob to about 3 O'clock to
center between the Mark and Space on the spectral display. That part works
great. Like Don pointed out the lack of an AGC OFF is really dumb and the
weakness in the Kenwood TS-570 design.
73, Dick AA5VU
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