I want AFC OFF - unless I only have a single guy coming back who is off
100-200Hz. Then I want it on.
98% of guys coming back to my CQ's will be close enough for me to not need
AFC. I don't need it for someone coming back 5, 10, 15 Hz off.
There are occasional guys who come back to me with shifts close to 190 or
200 Hz but as long as they straddle one or the other of the expected
mark/shift freqs I can decode them OK.
I think Ed correctly pointed out, the guys who come back to me 100-200Hz
off, they probably have that problem because they have AFC on! I think
other possibilities, is they just clicked on a spot which was off by
100-200Hz, then turned on AFC because they thought I was "off frequency".
And other possibility is they only like nice round numbers on their VFO.
(On that last point, yes, I have been CQ'ing on CW, completely blithe as to
whether I was aligned to a kc or not, then had folks come back to me only
to tell me I am 330 Hz high or low.)
Tim N3QE
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