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[SD-User] New Jersey QSO Party

To: <>
Subject: [SD-User] New Jersey QSO Party
From: "Paul O'Kane" <>
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2008 16:38:04 +0100
List-post: <">>
The New Jersey QSO Party takes place, in two sessions, from
20:00 UTC Saturday 16th August to 06:59 UTC on Sunday 17th
August, and from 13:00 on the Sunday to 01:59 on Monday
morning. There are single-mode (SSB, CW) and mixed-mode
categories on the 6 HF contest bands from 160-10m and on
50 and 144 MHz.

Rules at

SD supports SO HF entries.  V14.09 runs on Windows PCs and
is free from   

    NJ Entrants - Select the "New Jersey QP, NJ" template.
    Others      - Select the "New Jersey QP, DX" template.

If you're outside NJ, work NJ only.  You'll recognise New
Jersey stations, as they send a Serial + 3 or 4-character
county code.  Other North Americans send Serial + 2-character
state or province, and everyone else Sends serial + DX.  No
59(9) is needed.

Use SDCHECK to create your Cabrillo .LOG file.  Email it,
as an attached file, to  Please mention SD
in your soapbox comments.

Paul EI5DI

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