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[SD-User] Beru/Commonwealth templates?

To: Super Duper Reflector <>
Subject: [SD-User] Beru/Commonwealth templates?
From: Alex GM3ZBE <>
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2011 08:03:15 +0000
List-post: <">>
Hi Paul
I understand the current version of SD supports the BERU or Commonwealth 

There are two templates BERU and COMMONWEALTH.  I find when I try to 
select either I get a lockup with just the normal green screen and an 
inset blue box but no text at all.
I've tried rebooting but it makes no difference.  Problem only seems to 
occur with the BERU and COMMONWEALTH templates.  Works normally with 
previous contest logs and if I create a dummy log using any other template.



73 Alex, GM3ZBE ~~~ Kingdom of Fife ~~~ IO86lf ~
Member of:
De Montfort University ARS,
Kingdom Amateur Radio Society (KARS)
GMDX Group, CDXC, Aberdeen ARS
Previous callsigns GM8BYG, G3ZBE
Holder of GM4BRN club call

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