On 04/04/2022 16:11, Anthony Jaacks wrote:
I worked AH6KO and it filled
the SPC column with KH6...no problem, it conunted the QSO and the
multiplier. What's odd is that each SPC logged after that automatically
ended with a 6, such as PA6, NY6, KS6, etc. The 6 didn't show up in the
.AUD file, the cabrillo file, or the adif file.
That's a screen formatting error on my part - caused by clearing only 2
prefix characters (KH) instead of 3 (KH6) as the following QSOs were
logged. You're correct in that it has no effect on what's written to
the various files. That will be fixed soon.
Since the SST, I modified QSST.TPL so it allows for all band operating
That was the right thing to do - I'll update QSST.TPL here also.
Thanks & 73,
Paul EI5DI
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