I am using one in conjunction with N1MM. The combination works very well
for me. Installation and setup were easy and painless. I don't use many of
the onboard capabilities of the little device because I rely on N1MM to
perform the memory functions. One of the coolest features I've noticed is
that N1MM will respond to the microKeyer's speed control so now I only need
to set the speed of the keyer and the N1MM software adjusts to this change.
No more setting two controls when changing speeds during a contest. Also, I
am a CW traffic handler, and the microKeyer works well for me there.
The only real problem I had was getting my home network firewall to allow me
to use their web site to place an order (and that was my problem not
theirs). :-)
Once the order was placed, it was filled quickly and my unit arrived on
schedule. When it arrived, I had it up and running in about 45 minutes,
including time to make the DC power cable to connect it to my station power
In summary, I've had mine about four weeks, and I am very happy with it.