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Subject: [SECC] ARRL RTTY Roundup
From: k4ea at (Neal Sulmeyer)
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 17:30:56 -0500
  ARRL RTTY Roundup

Call: K4EA
Operator(s): K4EA + cluster
Station: K4EA

Class: SO Assisted
Operating Time (hrs): 23

 Band  QSOs
   80:  165
   40:  343
   20:  309
   15:  256
   10:   46
Total: 1119  State/Prov = 53  Countries = 61  Total Score = 127,566

Club: South East Contest Club


I worked all week to get my 20M wires back up.  The wire beam to NE
worked well, but the others are nothing to brag about.  40 needs work
too.  The biggest surprise was VK6HD calling me on LP 40M Sunday at
sunset.  I had already worked VK so he wasn't a multiplier, but it was
exciting just the same.  This was my first attempt at SO2R on RTTY.
This is tricky with one computer but it was worth the effort as I was
able to S&P on one radio while CQing on the other.  I had to shut down
with an amplifier problem early Sunday afternoon. It wasn't serious, and
with the aid of my trusty soldering gun, the LK800 was back on the air
in 15 minutes.

I have been working with Georgia Power and have cleaned up the worst of
my noise (for now).  There are still several sources that need to be
worked on.  My contact is coming out sometime soon to continue the

I have had problems with FSK RTTY for a while.  A number of stations
would say my signal was strong but they were unable to decode.  It
appears I have fixed this as I got no such comments and I worked
everyone that I called!  I turns out I was using the wrong optio-coupler
to convert the RS-232. I was using 4N32's which are Darlington pairs
(which work fine for PTT and CW).  I now am using 4N35's. 

Equipment: 2x FT1000MP, LK800, HB 8877, and Writelog (w/ MTTY) 
Antennas:  10M 5el at 70', 15M 6el @ 90', 20M extended double zepp with
reflector @ 35' NE (works great and I'm planning on for 40M), wire GP at
30' and 2wl wire at 70', 40M wire GP @ 30', 80M GP with 8 elevated
radials, RX 4 550' and a 200' (towards asia) beverages. 

Fred (WW4LL) on which band did you hear me?  Did get any "AGN??"'s from

Neal, K4EA

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