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[SECC] Alabama QSO Party - KU8E/m - SO Rover Unassisted

Subject: [SECC] Alabama QSO Party - KU8E/m - SO Rover Unassisted
From: ku8e at (ku8e)
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 21:27:52 -0400
Decided to go on a short 6 hour rover trip at the last minute. 
I  threw the IC756PRO in the car and hooked up the mobile antennas and logged
on paper. Sorry I didn't get to 40 SSB. I couldn't get the internal antenna 
tuner in the radio to
tune the Hustler antenna. I will need to make sure I toss in an external 
antenna tuner
next time. I had also planned to go to Clay and Coosa counties but ran short on 
time. I only
operated when I had stopped.

I am interested on how good my 80 CW signal was ?? I hadn't used the 80 meter 
in awhile but it tuned perfectly. Seemed like I was was getting out OK with the 
I got to my CQ's. The activity was good and had fun time ..

73, Jeff  KU8E

Call :KU8E/M
Class :  SO Rover Unassisted

                              CW   SSB
Russell                   33      3
Lee                        59      1
Tallapoosa              39      0
Chambers              59       0
Randolph               48       0

Total                     237     4

Score =     (327*2) +  (4)  =  658 QSO points * (48 CW Mults + 4 SSB Mults) =  
34,216 * 1.5 Power multipler = 


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