> Oh to be a simpleton once again! Curse you damned curiosity!
Well, maybe I'm not as removed from being a simpleton as I might want to
I had an epiphany this morning. After reading Ted's message and clicking on
the link, I started thinking about my streaming audio feed computer
(http://www.roswellfirescanner.com - shameless plug). Radio shack markets
two ready-made cables that are sold as "attenuating cables." They are
42-2461 (referenced in Ted's link) and 42-2152. The first one is a mono
1/8" plug to RCA male plug and the second is a mono 1/8" plug to mono 1/8"
plug. both are under $5.00US. I use one of the second cables to connect
the speaker output of my scanner to the mic input on my pc running the
streaming audio program. A call to the RS 1-800 help line failed to lift
the shroud of mystery surrounding the amount of attenuation that it
provides, and my memory fails me, but I believe that it is about 40dB which
should be sufficient. Both cables are marketed as methods of bringing
line-level signals into the mic input of a computer (like my application),
and should be fine for computer-to-radio coupling as well provided that the
radio has an RCA or 1/8" input jack.
I'll confess that my in-storage "modern" radio is a pre-WARC bands Kenwood
TS-120s. I have no idea what input connectors are required to connect it to
a computer. When it was built, the state of the art CPU was a TRS-80 model
III with a Cassette Tape storage unit.
Hope that this helps