First ever CQ 160m SSB contest from here. Wanted to establish a
benchmark for reference to compare the existing shunt fed tower with the
Rohn 25 1/4 wl vertical going up in Spring. Also used this one as a
training ground for some locals who had never been in a multiop
environment. I can't findem so I need to trainem!
Call Used- N4UK
Section- South Carolina
Qsos- 799, Countries-13, Sections - 55
Score- 119,544
Ops. - NC4NC, AA4S, KN4EK, N4UK
Conditions the first night were very poor but at least the
band was quiet. Only EU heard was S50C and the only AF heard was the CT3
but USA guys kept stumbling right into the middle of the window calling CQ
and made the CT3 QSY.
The second night was a different story altogether. The QRN from an
approaching storm front made all receive antennas almost as noisy as the
shunt fed tower. It was painful ekeing out qsos in the noise all night
Saturday and Sunday morning. I also need to do something about the AL1200
amp on 160m. It was getting EXTREMELY hot with 1200 watts out. A squirrel
cage blower and a strategically cut hole should do the trick.
73 , Ken N4UK
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