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[SECC] IARU WRTC Competition

Subject: [SECC] IARU WRTC Competition
From: ku8e at (
Date: Thu Jul 10 11:54:15 2003
    Hi All..

     John and I are trying to think of a cool name for our WRTC Style IARU
 team. Any ideas from the creative group of people that we have out there
 in the SECC land ????  BTW we will be using K4AAA (tnx Bill) for a call. Will
 be operating at K4BAI running 100 watts - TH6DXX,which now rotates, and an
 88 foot zepp @ 35 ft. It's not too late to join the fun... Send N0AX and email
 to register your team...

   Here are a few names I thought of :

   1) Chattahoochee River Contesters

   2) South Georgia Contest Confederacy

   3) Cottonmouths Do CW

                  Jeff KU8E

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