I wanted to be the first to thank Hal for the great job he did as SECC
president the last two years.
During Hal's tenure the SECC won the medium class club competition two years
in a row. We also
sponsored W4AN's nomination to the CQ Contest Hall of Fame. Plus, The Georgia
QSO Party is
growing every year and we had a record number of entries this year and just
missed activating all
the Georgia counties. Good Job OM.
Rick, NQ4I, is now taking over the reins and knowing him he has the type of
personality to get
things done. We have the challenge of getting the club circle "right" and
keeping up the level of
activity up to defend our SS title. I know in 2008 we will reach our goal of
getting all the Georgia
counties on the air for GQP... GL Rick.
Jeff KU8E