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[SECC] Fw: Re: Run or S&P Mode for new or casual contesters?

Subject: [SECC] Fw: Re: Run or S&P Mode for new or casual contesters?
From: kj4ex at (Bill Wilson)
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 13:47:26 -0700 (PDT)
And one more thing, running 100 watts here too, and hope to see y'all on the 
bands this coming weekend.


Bill - KJ4EX
(Moderated Newbie?)? LOL

--- On Wed, 10/27/10, Bill Wilson <kj4ex at> wrote:

From: Bill Wilson <kj4ex at>
Subject: Re: [SECC] Run or S&P Mode for new or casual contesters?
To: secc at, "Ralph K1ZZI" <k1zzi at>
Date: Wednesday, October 27, 2010, 10:28 AM

Ralph, Group,
Great explanations, and info !!?? I use both methods, hunting multipliers, then 
sitting and running to rack up QSO points later in the contest.? I have 
operated both routinely, mostly S&P and prefer that myself as a casual 
contester (I like the term "select"), but when I was in the Far East, it was 
easy? to "run" because everybody wanted ME.
Towards the ends of contests, everybody is looking for anybody, so the run 
method works well.? Find out what works best for you.? 
Just my M.O., the main thing is I have fun, and have a bit of wallpaper for the 
efforts : ).
73's es gd dx tu
Casual Contester (for the fun of it)
Bill Wilson - KJ4EX

--- On Wed, 10/27/10, Ralph K1ZZI <k1zzi at> wrote:

From: Ralph K1ZZI <k1zzi at>
Subject: [SECC] Run or S&P Mode for new or casual contesters?
To: secc at
Date: Wednesday, October 27, 2010, 8:29 AM

This is for our new SECC members?joining us since this was last published in 
August.? Experienced contesters please feel free to jump in and add your 
Ralph K1ZZI
k1zzi at

Part I - Run or S&P Mode for New or Casual?Contesters?
S&P - That's called Search and Pounce and?the most common mode for new 
contesters?and?returning contesters as well.? You get to pick and choose?and 
move at your own pace.??You are?still?trying to figure this whole?contesting 
thing?out.??It can be?intimidating when you come across an?OP?running?fast 
(QRQ).? It's hard to copy the exchange info.? You can just move on down the 
band or you might?what to hang out?a while?and figure this guy out.??It might 
take two,?three or even four exchanges?but you will get it because you 
are?challenged and determined!?????
Sometimes you?hear numbers or an exchange that just?don't make?sense?no matter 
how many times you hear it.??The OP is probably using?"cut numbers".??To make 
matters worse?these OP's?usually come at you FAST and it can leave you 
scratching your head!??These are the ones you are afraid to ask for a repeat?at 
the risk of?sounding stupid.? So you hang out and listen for?another 5 minutes 
and you still can't get it.? Everyone else seems to copy okay?but you are 
stumped?? Be familiar with cut numbers and remember these:? 
1 = A
5?= E
9 = N
0 = T? 
The only cut number I recommend using right away is N for 9 but only for RST 
(5NN).? In a contest 599 takes forever to get two 9's out.??We already know 
the?number?so use 5NN and shorten it up.? ENN (599) sounds?cool in a fast 
exchange?but I don't recommend using it starting out.? Zero is the longest?and 
most?troublesome number.??Hey be sure to?copy that 5th?dash!?...or?was that an 
8 or?9???The?easiest number to copy?is?#1.????If you?only copy A,?W or J then 
you know?it's a 1.? 
Be careful using T for zero.? The only time I?consider?using T?is in 
between?other numbers and?still I rarely?use it.? Like 501?or 1003 (5T1 
1TT3).??There is a?much higher chance for errors and repeats?using T on the end 
Speaking of repeats.? A little off topic but something to?consider when you are 
asked to "repeat".??If your CW speed is close?to the Run station, repeat your 
exchange at the same speed again.? The reason he asked for a repeat was because 
he didn't hear?what you said.? It was?not because he can't copy?at?your speed!? 
DON'T slow down and repeat @ 10 WPM.? Chances are you just made the problem 10X 
worse and got another?AGN request.? Here's why... ?and it? happens a lot on the 
low bands in?noise and static crash conditions.??Slowing down?dramatically 
increases the possibility of the next static crash hitting right in the middle 
resulting in another AGN request.? Often times speeding up is exactly the best 
solution?for getting thru just before the next crash!? ?
Once you feel comfortable doing S&P and?built up?some confidence, it's time?to 
think about trying?the dreaded and most feared mode of all. "Run Mode".? 
After?all you are a contester?and you like the competition???Time to get your 
score up.??You can do it!??
Part II - Run Mode for?New?or Casual Contesters!? 
We talked about S&P Mode so now it's time to face the dreaded and most feared 
mode of all.? You knew this day was coming so lets get started.? It's no 
worse?than your first solo drive after getting your?drivers license.??I know 
your palms are a little sweaty but NAQP is the easiest place to start.
So tell me again why I want to do this?? I was already having fun in?S&P 
mode.??I'm comfortable and in control going at my own pace.

#1 Reason - SCORE 
#2 Reason - SCORE 
Run Mode will increase your score right now today 
Score dramatically increases with?more practice. 
You ARE in control 
Fun meter jumps 15dB
You are?in charge.? You?control the?wheel and?speed.?? Not too fast your first 
time out.? You are unsure?what to expect when?stations start calling you.??All 
you?need is name and state.? NAQP?is easy.??No high speed cut numbers to worry 
about here.
Find a clear spot to call CQ.? The higher up the band?the less crowded and a 
good place to start.??Set your speed where you feel comfotable.? Call CQ and 
keep it short.? There are many ways to do this.? Here are a few example: 1) CQ 
NA?K1ZZI K1ZZI? 2) NA K1ZZI K1ZZI NA 3) NA K1ZZI K1ZZI.? You can use many 
variations.? Start with?a short call.? Notice "de" K1ZZI is not used.? It's 
extra stuff in a contest... drop the?"de".? Save the longer?CQ calls for when 
activity slows?down.? 
Here we go: NA K1ZZI K1ZZI -?Pause?listen 3?or 4 seconds max.? Open up your 
filter around 500Hz or so.??In S&P you can keep?your filter?much tighter but in 
Run you want your filter?wider?because people?will call?off 
frequency.??You?will?miss?callers if it's too narrow.? Turn on your RX 
RIT.??Swing your RIT quickly listening.? You heard a call off frequency?and 
you're not sure?he was calling you?? Send ? or AGN and listen.??Do not 
send?QRZ? de K1ZZI K.??Keep it short!? He's not exactly on your QRG (frequency) 
but he gave his call again.? Take it and start the exchange.
Don't know why?W4BQF would call me off frequency?? Must be?his new K3?but our 
exchange goes like this: K1ZZI: W4BQF RALPH GA?- W4BQF:??TU TOM GA (TOM now 
pauses?to hear?my ack) K1ZZI: TU K1ZZI -?Now I'm listening for the next 
caller.? Oops?2 people called me at the same time and I missed 
everything...?K1ZZI: ?? Now I only pulled out?a VE3 prefix?so I'm sticking with 
him?- K1ZZI: VE3?? I pickup the call and do the exchange.??Hopefully 
the?2nd?station waited around and calls again.
The next station calls in at 35+ WPM when you are running 18 WPM.? That is 
really not nice but it happens.? Most OP's are considerate.??If you can't copy 
reply QRS (slow down)? That should do it.??????
NAQP is the?easiest contest to get started.? Practice practice.??One thing 
I?still?do?is pick out a good run operator and park on his QRG and listen.? You 
will be surprised?what you can learn.? How they handle different situations 
etc.? You can pick up?some good ideas and techniques.? Listen to the OP's that 
Remember we talked about balance?? Now you have to balance Run?vs S&P too.? You 
need both to maximize your score.? It just takes practice!? There is?much more 
to talk about.??Maybe now you have enough courage?to?take the jump and?try it?? 
I encourage questions on the reflector.??The SECC has many?talented people with 
much more experience than I do.??So don't be afraid to ask questions.? 
I know many of you are SSB Op's?so unfortunately this may not be much?help for 
you.? I have very?little?SSB experience so I can't offer much advice on this 
subject.??For me, I still like listening to the OP's that win.? You can learn a 
lot!? Again, don't be afraid to ask questions.? We have?members here with world 
class skills and experience.?????????? 
Morse Runner is?a great?tool I like a lot!? It will help you get comfortable 
running?pileups.??It's a?very clever program?that?feels and acts like the real 
thing.? It's addictive.??Download it here:? 
Now watch your score improve.? Have fun and good luck!
73, Ralph K1ZZI
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